damagedglories's reviews
118 reviews

Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News by Bernard Goldberg

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ok i didn’t read all of it, maybe 60-70% of it, but i read enough to write a sound thousand word paper on it! it was so interesting to read how many contradictions liberal media tends to contain. i definitely now understand how i fell down that proud-ally-democrat pipeline when i was like 14 because of the way liberal media is worded and promoted. i’m glad i’ve grown up and can view both sides objectively. maybe i’ll actually finish this book but eh
Wrapped Up in You by Talia Hibbert

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— two and a half stars
very cute read that i just wished was longer! i need more to really flesh out the story and really understand why abbie is the way she is. i also felt like i needed more complexity when it came to will because his main personality trait was “i’m in love with abbie,” but i understand why it had to do (and didn’t leave me complaining!) because of the page limit.
i found abbie a little annoying, but i think it’s just because i related to her and would probably be the same exact way when it came to certain plot points and also, again, i just needed her more fleshed out and more backstory!
one thing that was super cute was the lil update on cherry and ruben! it makes me want to read all her others and see if there’s any more connections between the books.
overall, i loved that i was reading this aside my friends and it was a cute pick-me-up i needed.
You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle

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what an amazing book to start the year off with. it took me awhile in the start to get into it because it just felt so darn out in the beginning that i thought i was being lied to about what i was reading, but once i started pushing myself to actually finish a book and get out of a reading slump i didn’t wanna put the book down.
this book shows that love is not always linear which is a message that you don’t always see. it was so beautiful watching their lives and love grow in completely human and realistic way, i don’t think anything made me cringe while my read (which is lowkey rare for romance books). i also loved the imagery and descriptive words hogle used, everything was so vivid and made beauty in all seems so, well, beautiful! the way she described their ups and downs and nicholas were written so wonderfully, i’ve never read such poetic romance. also,everyone felt complex even if they weren’t all given the most in-depth writing.
my only con was truly the pacing, i felt like it was a lil too long in certain areas and i wanted more in others, but overall this is a great book that i would recommend to any hopeless romantic!
The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

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i was really enjoying this book when i started and then somewhere in the middle… it fell off. i felt as if the author was trying to be poetic, analytical, and romantic all at once and all it ended up sounding like was a wattpad fanfiction. something about the second half of the book just felt cringy (except for the seriousness of olive’s situation) and made me want to stop reading, but i forced myself to finish it. the pacing in this book also felt off, it felt like it was rushing to tell the story as if there was a page limit by the last half when the beginning had be quite steady and enjoyable. maybe i’ll try to pick it up again to reread but it’s doubtful
Normal People by Sally Rooney

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“Life offers up these moments of joy despite everything.”

you would think for a book that took me ten months to finish it wouldn’t get five stars, but for some reason it was the only rating that seemed worth it in my head.
this book took me through a whirlwind of emotions and i feel like i wasn’t mature enough to read it when i had first picked it up, i think i need the hiatus i took to fully understand it.
the characterization of marianne and connell was so honest, raw, and sometimes even relatable.
for the pacing of this story, it was kind of all over the place, but i still loved it, it started off quite slow (which i think was my reasoning for putting it down (and my undeserving deserved hatred for connell) at the time), but would feel fast, to then get slow again. however, it worked for the story, it felt like life as we watched these characters and the world around them change for those four years of their lives. the world-building was fantastic and picturesque, i felt like i was everywhere with the characters, even when i didn’t want to be.
i wonder if this book is counted as romance or coming of age since it feels like both but also neither some way? watching their love didn’t feel romantic in a romance way but in a chapters-of-life way, but whilst reading the coming-of-age chapters, it felt like their love was always there and continuing to grow, i don’t know.
the ending was abrupt, but in the most perfect way. i don’t remember how this story begun but it’s swift ending had such a wonderful affirmative feeling that everything would be okay for our characters and i wouldn’t have it any other way.
i hope to pick this up in a while.
The Fine Print by Lauren Asher

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i wanted to give it four because i did like this book, but for some reason i was left a little underwhelmed even though i spent my entire day reading instead of doing anything else. the pace was a little slow sometimes and i contemplated heavy if i even liked rowan, but it was fun to read i guess !