dan_tee's reviews
82 reviews

Artemis by Andy Weir

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This is a fairly good book, with some really fun characters. The protagonist is probably a bit like marmite to some, and I felt very little attachment to her in the first half of the book. However, when her character had some depth revealed, she was more interesting.

I can see why some people are put off by her descriptions of herself as "sexy" etc, however, I don't think this is a case of "men writing women", but more of writing to fit the woman in question.

Jazz is gifted, lazy, and confident. She's hot, and she knows it. Just like she's smart, and she knows it.

Overall, she's no Mark Wattney, but Rosario Dawson did a lovely job of bringing her and the surrounding cast to life in the audio version. As always, I will be looking forward to Mr Weir's next release.
Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

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Fantastic. This book was an absolute treat, it crammed everything I love about Weir into his best writing yet.

It took a turn I was really not expecting, and that's as much as I can say without spoiling it. It's a new direction for a Weir book to go, in a way, but it was done with all the consideration, science, enthusiasm and heart that is in his other books.

It made me cry, both from joy and sorrow. It was a fantastic experience, I couldn't put it down.
Will Save the Galaxy for Food by Yahtzee Croshaw

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3.5 stars.

I mostly enjoyed this book, it was fun and breezy. It jumps about a fair bit, and I'd love to know more of the world, but a good fun start.
An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good by Helene Tursten

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A fun little book with a few short stories in. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about Maud, but these stories were interesting and engaging.
Hard Magic by Larry Correia

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I thoroughly enjoyed this. The writing is fantastic, the characters are all distinct, the magic system is varied and interesting, and for every answer you get there are more questions you'll want to ask (in a most tantalising way).
Warbound by Larry Correia

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A fun and whole ending to a fantastical trilogy.
Will Destroy the Galaxy for Cash by Yahtzee Croshaw

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Enjoyed this one more than the first. The "team" put together in this tale bounce off each other wonderfully. Feels like Yahtzee really got his teeth into this one, and I look forward to exploring the universe more.