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dan_tee's reviews
83 reviews

Brushfire by Craig Alanson

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First half was a bit dull, a lot of words for what we could have guessed at. Second half was more engaging, be interesting to see where they go from here.
The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

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This is a super interesting book. If you're intrigued by the premise, then definitely pick it up and stick with it. Without spoiling anything, it does have some fantastic surprises, and seeing one day from several different character's viewpoints is delightful. There are some questions left at the end of the book, though nothing plot-relevant, just more background questions that you could happily write several fan fictions about.

4/5, definitely worth a read. Look forward to reading more from the author.
Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey

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A bit of a slow start but I thoroughly enjoyed this. Looking forward to the rest of the series :)
Abaddon's Gate by James S.A. Corey

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3.5 rounded up.

I enjoyed a lot of this book, especially the latter third or so. I did struggle a bit with the initial idea that there is software able to be able to make a convincing Holden, but apparently not software or experts to debunk it as fake, but beyond that it was interesting.

I'm not entirely convinced by Clarissa being..sort of okay(?) at the end, but she's a complex person so hopefully it'll get expanded on. Likewise I didn't really believe Naomi's forgiveness lark.

I did thoroughly enjoy Miller in this one, as well as the cosmic horror elements.