dan_tee's reviews
89 reviews

Dead Moon by Peter Clines, Ray Porter

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Stick this slap in the middle at a 2.5.

This does absolutely NOT feel like it fits in with the 'Threshold' universe and would fail to live up to the expectations set by the first two books in the series. However, it is an enjoyable little story- zombies + space, what's not to like there?

So yeah, if you want something shortish which feels kind of like a thriller movie, then I'd give this a read. If you want the character building and slow burn which the other books in the series do so well, you may be disappointed.
Terminus by Peter Clines

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Listened to the audiobook and read parts.

Ray Porter was fantastic as always, can't express how good he is in this series.

A great addition to the Threshold series, the pacing is a little faster and it really works, full of twists and turns that'll have you going "oh yeah, why didn't I think of that?!"

Wouldn't recommend reading it without having read 14, but would recommend it to anyone who wants a bit of a lovecraft-adjacent thriller. Like most of the series, wouldn't call it a horror but definitely chock-full of weirdness.
Skinwalker by Faith Hunter

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3.5, a fun enjoyable story that was easy to get into. Definitely improved as it went along, will definitely read the next one to see what happens from here.
Blood Cross by Faith Hunter

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I'm still not 100% sold on this series but I enjoyed this more than the first, largely due to the more complex lore introduced.