dana_naylor's reviews
489 reviews

Black River Orchard by Chuck Wendig

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adventurous dark emotional mysterious sad tense fast-paced
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes


It took me a bit to get into the book, but then I absolutely adored it.
I appreciated the sense of dread and how although the horror stands on its own as a good story, it also works so damn well as an allegory for our times.

I love the good characters, all of whom also have flaws. 
Book is told from point of view of multiple characters - some good, some bad. 
I also appreciate the author's note at the end where he talks a bit about the book and then also lists some other authors whose work he enjoys.

"Friends are a light in dark times. We try to be brighter together so that the darkness doesn't take us alone." (p193)
The Fourth Consort by Edward Ashton

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adventurous challenging funny fast-paced


I absolutely loved it and it was just what I was looking to read right now.

Told in present tense and with flashbacks that give information about our protagonist and his history. Never had problems identifying timeline. I spent most of the book with a smile on my face as I read it. Definitely some dark points in the book, but I'm hoping there will be a sequel.

Book does NOT end on a cliffhanger but does leave open the possibility for further books.
I'm planning on checking out his other books.

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Johnny and the Dead by Terry Pratchett

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Book was published in 1993, so some homophobic language that's reflective of the times. 
I didn't enjoy the book very much at first, but towards the end I liked it lots more.

Of the time allusions:
It's set in 93, so Michael Jackson and Thriller video make appearances. It's interesting to see what seems like it would need to be annotated now and what wouldn't. The kids do research at the library on microfilm viewers. Local radio call-in shows don't seem to exist in the same way - and I don't know that current radios are made with tuning knobs so you get static.

Quotes I loved:
"It's just history. It has nothing to do with . . . well, with now." (p73)
"Ignorance is very important! It is an absolutely essential step in the learning process!" (p117)

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Cold as Hell by Kelley Armstrong

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mysterious tense fast-paced


I likely will read the next book in the series, but this may be where it jumps the shark.

Threatened by a serial killer who took the place of his cousin while giving birth in the wilderness…..yeah…no.

I still enjoy the characters, but my suspension of disbelief couldn’t hold through the book.
Definitely not a book to enter the series with!
Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells

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I think I enjoy these books more every time I reread them. I think this is my third time reading this one, and spending some time with my favorite misanthropic depressed Murderbot just helps cheer me up.
The Whispering Dead by Darcy Coates

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emotional mysterious tense fast-paced


The start of a series. Horror is light but analogies she uses are wonderfully creepy and there was one good jump scare for me. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in the series.
The Naturalist Society by Carrie Vaughn

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Felt really rushed at the end. I was expecting it to end on a cliffhanger, but it didn't - just a bit of handwaving and time jump. That really dropped my enjoyment of the book.

The Truth According to Ember by Danica Nava

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Writing is smooth. My problem is with the main character and some of her choices/thought processes.

I don't mind having a character who lies some. My problems were with Ember's work environment and her choices there. There's an official no dating policy, so she wants to keep her relationship quiet - fine. But don't then hook up in an office closet at work.

I empathize with her choices with her brother and father - but her thinking is so wrong when
she chooses to meet blackmail demands and then whines as if she bears no responsibility for her choice: "Why was I always being punished for just trying to do the right thing, no matter what fucked-up way I had achieved it?" (p301) Assisting in theft by using a signature stamp to get money in no way can be justified as "trying to do the right thing". Choosing to check only one box with your ethnicity - perfectly fine. Lying about a degree - less fine, but if you're able to do the job, okay-ish. Theft - outright wrong.

I love the author's voice and may try another of her books. I just want more self-awareness from the characters.
Iron and Magic by Ilona Andrews

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adventurous emotional fast-paced


Started as an April Fool’s Joke on their website that resulted in the book being written.
I love that they manage to take a character as awful as Hugh and make him sympathetic.
Website is getting posts of the next book in the series and I am loving it! Wanted to reread this one again. I have just adored all the characters they write. 
The Ghost Line by J.S. Herbison, Andrew Neil Gray

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I don't know if I'd have enjoyed this more if I weren't also fighting a cold as I was reading it. It's okay but not great. Even the main character exploring the derelict liner says it's more like a hotel than an abandoned ship. Some interesting ideas here but I guess I wanted more.