dananner's reviews
827 reviews

Grave Secrets by Kathy Reichs

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This review applies to the audible version.

A harrowing excavation unearths a chilling tragedy never laid to rest.

They are “the disappeared,” twenty-three massacre victims buried in a well in the Guatemalan village of Chupan Ya two decades ago. Leading a team of experts on a meticulous, heartbreaking dig, Tempe Brennan pieces together the violence of the past. But a fresh wave of terror begins when the horrific sounds of a fatal attack on two colleagues come in on a blood-chilling satellite call. Teaming up with Special Crimes Investigator Bartolomé Galiano and Montreal detective Andrew Ryan, Tempe quickly becomes enmeshed in the cases of four privileged young women who have vanished from Guatemala City — and finds herself caught in deadly territory where power, money, greed, and science converge.

This was my first [a:Kathy Reichs|26372|Kathy Reichs|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1201288896p2/26372.jpg]' book after having watched Bones for years. The narration often left me sleepy, but I was interested in the stories of the girls and how they all tied together. I would recommend the print version over the audible version in this case.

I am now reading her books from the beginning (mostly for the Andrew Ryan back story) and getting a feel for how Reichs' writing may have improved over the years. I started into the series knowing that the Temperance Brennan in these books is supposed to be an older and wiser version than our beloved Tempe in Bones, so I have no gripe about the character discrepancies there. The Tempe in the books is much more human and emotional, less logical and reserved.

In [b:Grave Secrets|281350|Grave Secrets (Temperance Brennan, #5)|Kathy Reichs|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1173388001s/281350.jpg|2747794] we travel from Guatemala to Canada and back. We learn a bit about Ryan's college days, a possible new love interest for Tempe, political intrigue (ok, not so much, but politicians are trying to cover up a myriad of sins). And Tempe is almost murdered at least twice. I don't know if this is normal for the series or not, but I do enjoy a heroine who gets herself into that much trouble.

I may have to re-read the book in print, but overall I enjoyed it.
Freaks by Tess Gerritsen

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This was a quick read during my lunch break. I do enjoy just about any show with Angie Harmon in it, so I watched a few episodes of "Rizzoli & Isles" and was intrigued that there are companion books.

This version included a sneak peek at the next novel which seems way more interesting than the short story it's attached to.

“Freaks” seems like it will be dark and weird, but for once you're not feeling left like humanity has gone completely over the edge. It was a nice surprise ending.
Grave Peril by Jim Butcher

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Vampires, ghosts, and righteous men, oh my!

I'm late to the Dresden Files party, but better late than never right? This edition, read by [a:James Marsters|169487|James Marsters|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1252176950p2/169487.jpg], moves along at a good pace.If I had been reading instead of listening, this definitely would have been a page-turner -- do not bother me until I am done -- type book.

In this installment Harry has his hands full on multiple counts, juggling friends, lovers, enemies, and his fairy godmother. It keeps him going from sun-down to sun-up. He gets so tired he misses vital clues, repeatedly. But once he figures it out, he doesn't leave vengeance to the Lord.

Harry survives, but the ending of this book is real tearjerker.