danimat's reviews
35 reviews

Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty

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My first of her books and I struggled. I did not like the narrator at all. She used a weird high voice. The best part was her reading of the acknowledgments at the end because she didn't constantly go high at the end when it wasn't a question or just plain randomly in the sentence like she did throughout the book. The book was slow and im not sure how I feel about the resolutions and then ending. 
The Braid by Laetitia Colombani

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All 3 women's stories were inspiring and addicting. You wanted to know what happened next. The short length of the book provides an easy and quick read, but also leaves you hungry for more. The author writes so well that you're left both fulfilled and desperate for more. Definitely worth the read, but I wish a few more details had been given towards the end. 
The Rib King by Ladee Hubbard

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Loved it. I enjoyed the talented ribkins, but this one was better. 
In Royal Service to the Queen: A Novel of the Queen's Governess by Tessa Arlen

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As much as I loved her other book A Dress of Violet Taffeta, this one just didn't have the same charming and captivating writing for me. I could see what she was trying to do, but it fell drab to me especially with all the other amazing stories about that time that have come out. It does provide a good additional book list to read at the end, but I think you might be better off reading those than this one. 
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City by Matthew Desmond

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An honest and in depth look at the bottom of the rental market from both a landlord and tenants perspective. Very informative, heartbreaking and inspiring. 
Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou

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Wow. I've apparently had blinders on as I'd never heard of Theranos or Elizabeth Holmes before this book. John Carreyrou is an exceptional writer who kept me engaged early on with zero knowledge of the history. Definitely worth the read and hard to put down.