darthjuno's reviews
250 reviews

The Ask and the Answer by Patrick Ness

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Absolutely gripping from beginning to end. It's deeply unpleasant but doesn't flinch away from the atrocities of war, or the endless moral questions that inevitably rise out of following orders and searching for reason. Affiliations come and go, the goodness and the badness of certain people is revealed, and all with a sickening gut twisting feeling. Brilliant. Can't wait to go home and pick up book 3!
Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness

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This book, nay - this trilogy, is a masterpiece. A disturbing, often deeply unpleasant, brilliant masterpiece. It had my heart racing and my mind jumping ahead and my feelings constantly stirring, for the characters I hated at first who actually turned out to be great, for the desolation of war that left no man or woman unburnt, for the hopes I had that were crushed and then exceeded and then crushed again, over and over in an incredible roller coaster of character driven magnificence. Despite it being a YA/children's book, I don't think it's very suitable for anyone under the age of fifteen at least. There is some serious darkness in here, darkness that perhaps a younger child wouldn't be able to understand, but one that is ultimately paramount to the shaping of one's morality. It carries so much weight on its little shoulders, such an impossible weight, but one that reveals itself very gradually and allows itself to be heard and understood. It's beautiful and it's fast and thrilling and it'll break your heart a few times, quite cruelly too, but the payoff is so worth it.
That being said, I cannot recall the last time I cried this hard at a book. It's got its way of worming into your heart quietly until it's wedged there and there's nothing you can do but let it take you on a journey.
Kinda like Todd.