dclanisms's reviews
57 reviews

November 9 by Colleen Hoover

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i guessed the plot twist. oh my fuckh god wwhwt okAyq. i’m so bad at writing reviews okthis was rly bad but. I KNEW THE PLOT TWIST WAS COMING FROM THE START LITERALLY LIKE THE 10TH PAGE. WOOP!!
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

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i loved this so much. the main characters are all so relatable and lovable and aaaahhhb. only one star off bc i think she could’ve done better with the world building !! some stuff didn’t make sense but i think now i got the gist of it. gansey and ronan were my faves
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater

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anti climatic ending but it was a fun read nonetheless and i love ronan lynch
Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater

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giving this 4 stars now, as i just finished it like 20 seconds ago, maybe when it really settles in a few days from now, the stars may change. idk.

anyways. loved this a lot. writing has improved since trc. love declan. love jordan. love hennessy. love ronan. love adam. love love love

the dreamers swords are cool as hell. vexed to nightmare. from chaos. so fuckin rad.

declan you are such a pathetic man i love you dearly

pynch… outstanding as always. i love gay people.

i suspect more of carmen’s character to come soon maybe, she seems like she may have improvement in her future.

starting the next book asap