deannairisreads's reviews
542 reviews

Earth to Alis by Lex Carlow

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 I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. 

 I want to start off by saying that this book is heavy, and the trigger warnings should be taken into consideration before you start this book.

That being said, I thought that Earth to Alis was a breath of fresh air in terms of queer, YA. Alis is a character who will frustrate you a lot. He has gone through so many things in his life that have left him stubborn, closed off and at times harsh. But that's one thing I Iiked most about this book. The issues were messy and intense and at times, heartbreaking - but the way things played out for Alis and the folks around him felt rooted in reality. I think Alis is a character a lot of young people can see themselves in. It was so fun and heartwarming to watch Alis learn how to let people in. The romance in this is super sweet, and the characters were full and vibrant and I still want to know so much more about all of them.

This was an excellent debut and I am looking forward to reading more from Lex Carlow! 
This Used to Be Easier by Katia Rose

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Super cutie summer time romance!
Looking for a Sign by Susie Dumond

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I was really disappointed to read the main character stating that she was a lesbian, but would date a trans man. Trans men are men, and othering them in this way was a huge turn off. 

Other than that, I did not find the main character to be particularly likable, and I felt that she had zero romantic chemistry with her main love interest- which made the ending feel super lack luster.