deannareadsandsleeps's reviews
619 reviews

Chainsaw Man, Vol. 16 by Tatsuki Fujimoto

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obsessed with the way fujimoto introduces characters, humanizes them for 15.2 seconds, and the obliterates them right after 😭
Intermezzo by Sally Rooney

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 9%.
Sally Rooney is incredible at giving us the most incredibly human characters, which means committing to them being losers in their rawest form, which I usually an interested in seeing and often enjoy!!! But Peter and Ivan take this to a new level that I just don’t have the patience for at this time. Also, unfortunately, this book is boring as HELL, and while I have a love hate with Rooney books, this is the first time I haven’t been able to make it to 50 pages. It’s just really not working for me this time, and I’m a little bummed about it. 
skin & bones by Renée Watson

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emotional inspiring reflective


Stunning, and beautiful, and Black, and vulnerable, and loving, and a hug, and a lecture, and heartbreaking, and heartwarming, and healing. This is a book about motherhood, faith, sisterhood, grief, forgiveness, and our right to respect, to take up space, and to exist as all that we are. 

I knew this would be a five star book by around 30 pages in, and will absolutely be reading more from Renée Watson. 

Loud: Accept Nothing Less Than the Life You Deserve by Drew Afualo

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While the feminist commentary was nothing new to me personally, I still found myself nodding along, especially throughout the audiobook hearing it spoken in her very familiar voice (she narrates it!). I definitely enjoyed the more personal aspects of it, like what her family means to her, and some of her story as to how she became the Drew we all know and love. I dunno, I just think she’s  fun!