debreads's reviews
60 reviews

The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware

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I don't usually read mysteries/thrillers/whodunits and when I do I usually find them a bit cheesy, perhaps I've been reading the wrong authors :) Well, not this time. The Woman in Cabin 10 had me engaged from the first page all the way down to the last few words in the book. Just when I thought it was over it kept going, but not in a "they really didn't need to add that" kind of way. It was well written and had just enough "creep" to keep me interested but not freak me out. Ruth Ware's story stayed with me each time I would put the book down. I would dream about it and think about it just waiting until I could pick it up again. Given the time, I would have finished it in one sitting. I look forward to reading more from Ruth Ware!!
Kings of Colorado by David E. Hilton

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Found this to be an interesting read. It's an easy read and the story reminds me of the movies Holes and Stand By Me.
The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield

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I really liked this story. I usually don't like when books go back n forth in time but this one was well done. Give it a go. You won't be disappointed.
Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

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I thought the characters were spot on with how high school is. I liked the wisdom and maturity that came throughout the story within the main character. I was expecting a different ending but still glad that I read it.
Country by Danielle Steel

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I just love to read Danielle Steel. She's always provides a nice escape from the daily grind. This story hit home with message to go for what YOU want and stop worrying about everyone else, especially after giving of yourself to everyone else for SO long. Down to earth characters.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon

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I had a hard time getting into this book but then there was a change of events that peaked my interest.

I found the book to be well written with the mind of an autistic boy. It was eye opening to how his mind worked all day and night without much rest.
Family Ties by Danielle Steel

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I just love the escape of any Danielle Steel book. This story was less about the super rich and famous and more about the every day struggle of raising kids.