demi_sewell's reviews
79 reviews

The London Séance Society by Sarah Penner

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A very well written book!! It was very exciting towards the end but did drag a little bit in the beginning. It took until about half way through the book for me to really get into it.
Before I Do by Sophie Cousens

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Ok, I totally flew through this book and got up at 6:15am on bloody Easter Sunday to stuff baskets (I forgot) and finish this book over coffee before the boys wake up. Such a great book and Team Audrey all the way!! The chapters are just so wonderfully written and you really get pulled into the story. I laughed at points and got so mad for Audrey at many points! I felt heartache for Josh and then the heartbreak for Fred. In the end though, it was beautiful.
Secretly Yours by Tessa Bailey

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I liked the book... I wanted to like it more but it was FULL of dirty bedroom talk and that is just not my thing. At all. I almost stopped reading midway because of that. So thanks but no thanks.
The Last Goodbye by Fiona Lucas

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A little slow but really great in the end. I did really like the book and it was well written. I didn't expect Brody's story.
Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez

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This is simply an engaging and wonderfully written book. I could not put it down, and there were times I was laughing out loud and then sniffling thru tears. There are true moments that happen throughout this book, and it is so good that I'll definitely read this again.