demisch's reviews
139 reviews

Weather by Jenny Offill

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First 20 pages were promising, really went downhill from there for me… the plot and characters were as bleak as the themes the book discussed 
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong

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Expected to love this but I thought this was just okay… the imagery is beautiful tho 
The Happy Couple by Naoise Dolan

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I loved the first 75%, I feel neutral about the last quarter. I enjoyed the first povs, laughed out loud a couple of times, the characters felt so vivid and alive and then… the prose changed, idk this wasn’t it anymore 
The Woman in Me by Britney Spears

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I am so so so glad that Britney was finally able to tell her story, after years of the media not taking her side into account and the conservatorship. The book shows that she is really kind and wonderful person, and it saddened me to read what she had to go through all on her own because no one was there to support her or to listen to her. However, as far as the writing style, I did not enjoy it that much: parts of it felt really rushed and the writing in general felt really juvenile. Aside from that, I still think it’s an important book because it gave her the chance to become the owner of her own story instead of just the victim. 
The Spy Who Came in From the Cold by John le Carré

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My four brain cells had to really turn on the focus mode for this one because this book makes you think and you have to stay alert to understand it but very very very worth it in the end
Eva Luna by Isabel Allende

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I love Allende’s characters and storytelling overall, this one just wasn’t my fav… Loved the first third and then it got veryyy slow. Did not like the end at all, it felt rushed and incomplete??? 
Whale by Cheon Myeong-kwan

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If Pachinko and One Hundred Years of solitude would get a love baby this would be the book
All the Lovers in the Night by Mieko Kawakami

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Loved the prose but felt zero connection to the characters or story