deroute's reviews
220 reviews

The Outsider by Stephen King

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This is my new favourite king book. I really enjoyed the pacing of it and it was a very interesting story, I loved trying to figure out what happened and who was responsible.
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson

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I adore a good supernatural/ haunted house story. I must say I was not expecting that ending!

I wouldn’t class this as a scary novel, however I did throughly enjoy reading this and perhaps will even re-read it again in the future. I really loved the pacing for this book, but I wish it was longer, so much more could’ve been added into the story (learning more about the characters, perhaps more events taking place etc).

This was an entertaining read and I would recommend it to those that enjoy a short supernatural, haunted house book. I will definitely be checking out more books by Shirley Jackson.

Pet Sematary by Stephen King

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Definitely an interesting concept for a book! I did enjoy reading it. However the downfall to this book is that it felt far to slow at the beginning and only got interesting towards the end (I would’ve rated it 5 stars if it wasn’t for that).

Nonetheless, I did like this book, but not my favourite book by King. I would definitely rate it 4 stars though as towards the end I really began to find the book more gripping. The ending of the book makes me wish there was a second book, it just felt as if there could be way more to the story after that point. It was frustrating as I felt as if I was left on a sort of cliff hanger. I just want to know what happened to all the characters after that ending!
The Green Mile by Stephen King

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I think I’d class this as 3.5 stars out of 5, it’s very close to being 4 stars for me but it’s not quite there. It was a decent read and I’ll definitely continue to read more books but King, but for some reason it wasn’t as enjoyable to read and took me far too long to read as I felt unmotivated to continue reading on at points. Bonus stars for Mr Jingles.