designsbymeghen's reviews
244 reviews

Tell It To Me Singing by Tita Ramírez

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This one popped up in one of my book club newsletters, and I instantly fell in love with the cover. It’s a bit of a slow build, but all-in-all great storytelling. I really resonated with the complicated feelings Monica was experiencing in her love life. This story delves into the idea that the “obvious” answer is not always right for you. At the end of the day, you have to be true to yourself and force yourself to answer the hard questions. 
House of Bone and Rain by Gabino Iglesias

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 31%.
I honestly didn't hate this one. I enjoyed the Spanish / Latino references and phrases. I just didn't feel like reading a story with a bunch of punk kids going on a killing spree. 
The God of the Woods by Liz Moore

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This was a solid mystery story. Following the audiobook with all the characters and timeline jumps was a little tricky, but I got the gist. The story illustrates how class differences affect people and situations with entirely different outcomes and expectations. There are quite a few tropes, but somehow, it doesn’t feel overdone or boring: punk wealthy daughter, female detective, lesbian (speculation) camp leader, spoiled rich bitch frat boy, over-medicated housewife. 
William by Mason Coile

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One last spooky book to finish out October. I called the ending from the very beginning. It was an interesting read, but if I’m being honest, I wasn’t paying attention entirely. The characters weren’t all that interesting to me, but there were some cringy (in a good way) gruesome scenes. 
Things My Son Needs to Know about the World by Fredrik Backman

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I needed a glimmer of joy in my life, and I can always trust Backman to deliver something clever, funny, sentimental, and reflective. I have been thinking about family and children more and more, and this has felt like such an honest portrayal of what it feels like to be new to parenthood. The lack of sleep, the amount of stuff, the comparing and falling short, and the abundant amount of love. I thought of my brother and sister-in-law with their new little one. 
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work: A Practical Guide from the Country's Foremost Relationship Expert, Revised and Updated by John Gottman, Nan Silver

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While starting to read this book felt daunting and intimidating, I always felt better each time I picked it up. This book contains so much insightful and actionable information. I read it all the way through without completing the exercises. Now I want to go back through a printed version a spend time doing each exercise and activity. Your marriage doesn’t have to be in crisis to read this book. There’s always room for improvement, and reviewing this book will yield positivity and inner perspective if you’re open to it. I highly recommend giving it a read. 
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 8%.
I found it interesting that two of the books I've read this year, mentioned Lolita. (My Dark Vanessa and One Day). However, given the "old-timey" / fancy writing style of this book, I just don't think I'm intellectual enough to get into. And given the subject matter, I don't think I have that much drive to finish it. 
The Kind Worth Killing by Peter Swanson

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God, I felt like this one would never end. The most interesting part of this book was young Lilly growing up and how she dealt with a gross pedophile. The way the author describes women is such an eye-roll. “Blonde women past their prime,” give me a break. 
The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa

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Ohh I love a good cat story. The human cat relationship really is special and Nana and Satoru are such a lovely pair. I love the portrayal of all of the animals personalities and how they are perceived by the humans. Nana and his sass was perfection. Satoru is such a pure soul and I loved reading about his relationships with others over the years. 
This is How It Always Is by Laurie Frankel

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The universe has a way of bringing very topical books into my life just when I need them. This was such a beautifully written story. I fell in love with the writing style as soon as it had begun and I had no idea what the subject matter was. Honestly one of the most beautiful stories I’ve read this year. I loved all of the characters in the quirky family. “Don’t say ass.” 😂 If you’re on the fence on what to think about gender/trans people, I highly recommend reading this story. This story takes you through a lot of the medical, emotional, and moral issues surrounding the topic.