despinareviews's reviews
134 reviews

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

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Spoiler free review.

Plot: Following the murder of their parents, twins Jude and Taryn Duarte, along with their older sister Vivi are taken to the land of Faerie to be raised by Vivi's father, General Madoc. In this world, mortals are not well-treated, and as such Jude tries desperately to carve out a place for herself despite bullying and discrimination coming her way. Very beautiful world-building and interesting character development.

Characters: The main character Jude is a very compelling character trying to make the best of a bad situation, she is very ambitious and wants to move past her position as a mortal in an immortal world. The Cruel Prince, Cardan, is indeed incredibly cruel and the bullying Jude endures is quite awful in my opinion.

Overall thoughts: A very very good read, and one I immediately moved onto the next book from. A fascinating world, an ambitious and likeable badass main character, and supporting characters who are diverse in their voice and intents. I will finish this trilogy with anticipation for Jude's future, and likely re-read this in the future!
Loreto: An Earth Has Fallen Short Story by Peter Servidio

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A very quick short story (26 or so pages), I went into this having not encountered the 'Earth Has Fallen' book series by this author previous to this.

This short story takes place in a world ravaged by nuclear war, where people are forced to live below the surface and whets the appetite for the full story. The context is explained briefly through conversations and the main character, Loreto, is unique in that he is one of the only non-deformed children born after this nuclear disaster.

Very cool quick read, will consider delving into the full story to acquire more about this world, but not having read the books previously did not impact my reading experience really.

Thank you to Voracious Readers Only for this review copy, which I received free of charge in exchange for an honest review