diamantassaf's reviews
38 reviews

Silent Night by Danielle Steel

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The moral of the story:
1-don’t text and drive
Why Men Marry Bitches by Sherry Argov

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So boring I couldn’t finish it
Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover

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The author’s writing style, the plot, the characters, Ledger
1922 by Stephen King

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There are 3 types of psychopaths in the world.
The ones that actually commit similar murders in real life, the ones that do have the imagination to write such novels, and those that enjoy reading as such!
Long Bright River by Liz Moore

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Interesting plot✅
Poorly written ❌
unconvincing characters❌
It is the kind of books that you desperately want it to end because it’s getting painfully boring yet you keep reading until the end because of the good plot and you want to know how it will end…
And really what is with the “he says” “she says” “i say” REPETITIVELY!! Umm… find a new editor!
Confess by Colleen Hoover

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I guess i am starting to form an unhealthy attachment to colleen hoover’s books