dianie25's reviews
112 reviews

The Inmate by Freida McFadden

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Meh… good as an easy distraction. Not mind blowing as I imagined, but still entertaining!
Haunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton

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My mindset was “go big or go home” when I picked up this book. Shhhh-teamy!!!
It was insane and I liked it, but it took me a while to digest. At one point I lost interest after a lot of the smut at towards the end and more entertained with the investigations of Zade and Adeline.
Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins

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Literally I sat on a chair in the library and read for hours! I couldn't stop reading it! I FELT EVEN MORE IN LOVE WITH THE BOOK! When I got home I, again, sat and read. Actually laughed out loud and smiled so much. Definitely on my Rereading list!
When I first read it, I just got to half way because someone put the book on hold (I had the only copy). After the weeks of long waiting for Rebel Belle to be available again, I finally saw the book in the "recently new books" stacks and shelves! Happily I grabbed it and began reading it with excitement from where I left my place. I gotta say that I am suuuuper glad I watched a booktube video with this book as a recommendation. Laughed, smiled a whole lot, "aww"-ed, etc.! Such a great contemporary with a kick-ass twist! Pearls, Cotillion, visions, love, action!! I cannot stop saying how I loooove this book and eagerly waiting for the second book "Miss Mayhem"!
The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E. Smith

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I loved it! Marvelous, very cute! Lots of traveling and emotions! When reaching the end, I was getting sad about finishing the book. Overall a good/amazing book!
Linger by Maggie Stiefvater

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Took me a month to read and it's worth it! I really think this is better than the first so far which I gave 3 stars! I feel so sad... the ending of this book. Broke my heart! :'( (4.5 stars!!)