doesemilyread's reviews
163 reviews

Pet Sematary by Stephen King

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Very haunting and quite scary. I’m glad I don’t have a cat lol.
To Be Read at Dusk by Charles Dickens

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this wasn’t amazing, but it wasn’t terrible.
the best story was “To Be Read At Dusk” and the other 2 were quite boring. Not very spooky.
Priestdaddy: A Memoir by Patricia Lockwood

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this is quite possibly the funniest book I have ever read.
Death on the Nile by Agatha Christie

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This was such a page turner. Not at all what I was expecting!
I also thought I figured out who did it, I was 1000% wrong LOL!
Dubliners by James Joyce

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James Joyce is one word... dull. I’m sorry, I have to say it. Very little actually happens in the stories he has written. They focus more on atmosphere, emotion, and the characters. That being said, his writing is absolutely fantastic at times! It was hard to sit down and read sometimes, but once I’d finished certain stories I found myself thinking about them and really appreciating the book as a whole.

My favourite stories were Araby, The Boarding House and The Painful Case.

I also found it so fascinating reading Joyce’s work, and noticing the very obvious impact it had on authors like Sally Rooney. The writing style felt extremely similar in a lot of ways!
Pine by Francine Toon

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This was an enjoyable read, but I didn’t find it very spooky, eerie or scary. The ending was also a bit meh.
My Year of Rest and Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh

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“I was finally doing something that really mattered. Sleep felt productive. Something was getting sorted out. I knew in my heart - this was, perhaps, the only thing my heart knew back then - that when I’d slept enough, I’d be okay.”

This book follows the life of an unnamed Columbia graduate, who decides to commit to a year of rest and relaxation. Both of her parents have passed away and she’s been left with a significant inheritance. She finds a doctor who prescribes her with a multitude of prescription drugs, and she sleeps her life away for one year!

I don’t know what exactly it is that made me love this book so much, but I did!! I bought it upon the recommendation of Haley