domid73's reviews
1179 reviews

The Mixtape by Brittainy C. Cherry

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absolutely loved this story

Oliver had a hard time dealing with the loss of his twin brother. He used to find solace in music now it has become something he can’t deal with. As 1 half of the group Oliver & Alex, Oliver is struggling to move forward. Feeling as though he is the reason for his brothers death is truly taking a toll on him until a night in a hole in the wall where he meets Emery. Emery is a single mom who is struggling to make ends meet. She helps him out and ends up losing her job. After learning about the incident Oliver hires her as his chef and several of her secrets, trials and tribulations are revealed. The broken pieces of each others life slowly are fixed the more they get to know each other and the more time they spend together. I absolutely loved Oliver’s family blood and not blood. I hated Emery’s parents. I absolutely despised her father. The mother had been caught up in the cycle of abuse that she never realized what she was putting her own children through. This was a great emotional read.
Married To The King Of Cali 2: A West Coast Love Story by Shaunn Aryande, Shaunn Aryande

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✨ California Love ✨

Story always gonna be messy when it comes to this group. I still can’t stand Urban. He always trying to make plays thinking he can get a way with stuff. He moves shifty when it comes to his kids and I don’t like that. Mia in a lot of mess. With this baby daddy drama I just wanna know why she thought she could keep it from messiah that long. Cali tried to let her know he would find out and then she tried to rush the wedding to dude. Messy messy messy. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for book 3.
Lawe by Grey Huffington

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I like Lawe more than Ledge