dreamadarwich's reviews
349 reviews

Evidence of the Affair by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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Rock Paper Scissors by Alice Feeney

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Nope. I did not enjoy this one.

Not the writing. Not the characters. Not the plot. Nothing.

What makes a good thriller?
Is it the plot twist at the last chapter? Or is it the whole journey and the suspense that you go through while reading the book?

Old me would probably say the plot twist. If i didn’t guess the ending then it’s a good thriller.
But now i actually want more than that.

This had neither.

The Writing was so boring to me. I hated all the characters and didn’t give a damn about all of them.
It wasn’t creepy and i just wanted it to end.

The plot twist at the end didn’t blow my mind because i was so bored and didn’t care anymore about where this book was going.

I finished it three days ago and i already forgot 75% of the book.

Maybe it’s me? Probably not.
Pet Sematary by Stephen King

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An excellent horror novel that hook you from the first page.

I need to read a physical copy instead of listening to it because The audiobook was 16 hours long and I've missed out on some parts.
The Paris Apartment by Lucy Foley

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This was just not for me. I dnf'd Foley's other two books and i almost dnf'd this one too.

It had such a good premise but the end result didn't do much for me!

I found the setting average and the fact that the author translates each sentence written in french was annoying ( just say it in english ).

The characters felt flat to me and nothing happened in the book except in the last 25% when the plot starts to wrap up.

The narration of the audiobook was good tho and their french was soo good and i enjoyed their accent.

I don't think I'm going to pick anything by Foley again tbh because i think she is just not for me.
Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid

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Taylor Jenkins Reid never disappoints!

This was the perfect light and breezy read that i needed!
I'm currently reading A little life and sometimes i just need to take a break and pick something that will lift me up! And this book did just that!

The narrator was amazing and it was such a fun and enjoyable audiobook!

I loved the writing, the characters and the story.