dreaming_of_eutony's reviews
184 reviews

Illuminae by Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman

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A sweeping, sarcastic, psychologically mind-bending, rip roaring and at times spine chilling, space adventure.
Kady is your very average highschool student apart from being ridiculously, even criminally good with anything technological.
Ezra is a more simple creature, he’s a physical person, thinks less, feels more.
When we meet them, these twos biggest problems are each other and their recent break-up.
Both never see it coming.
The day their small settlement is bombed by a warship with less than reasonable excuses for their actions. Amidst the chaos and panic that follows things escalate, not so quickly, but quickly by reading standards.
Aboard the evacuation warship we are introduced to an AI under the name Aiden who is not what it seems and exactly that at the same time.
Complex to say the least. I was more than a little apprehensive when I started this book as the format it is told in is less than...normal. It is a collection of documents, chat logs, emails, interview reports, medical files, military schematics and more. And while intimidating it is definitely worth sticking with because you will be hooked before you realise it.
The plots belts along and throws a riot of emotions and twists at you every time you turn the page.
We witness how humanity reacts when faced with no good choices and no way out and it is heart stopping and heartbreaking.
Personally I did not care for the romance plot but it was not really the main focus so did not put me off at all.
If you love sci fi, classic plots told with a twist or just high-octane action, then read Illuminae now.
I for a fact will be getting my hands on the sequels as soon as possible.
Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young

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I really enjoyed the story, the characters were deep and well flushed out. The world was beautiful and cold and harsh, I could feel the winter chill. The action and combat was fast and impactful and ruthless, which I absolutely loved.
The character's relationships felt real and complex and developed smoothly over the course of the story, friendship and romance were held in equal status, (I've often felt friendship to be cast aside in place of romance in other YA novels) here friends saved each other's lives and gave time to each other just as much as lovers did, this was the cherry on top for me in a story of warriors, gods and love of every kind surviving in the face of deeply ingrained hatred.
Aurora Burning by Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman

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Squad 312 are back...mostly.
Aurora Burning is an emotional, gravity-defying and overall killer sequel.

 The squad we have come to know from Aurora Rising are struggling to navigate their way through a galaxy on the brink of war while also dealing with the fallout from the events at the finale of book 1. 

  We learn more of Aurora’s past, present and possible future as the girl who can save them all.

 Scarlett and Tyler face some unknown truths and unknowable futures, Scarlett all the while steadily creeping up my favourite character column.
Finian is as sassy as ever and I really enjoyed seeing him settle into his new found family unit.
 Zila gradually reveals more of her past to us throughout this book and every revelation made me love her even more, she is hands-down my favourite character.
  Aurora and Kal go through some tumultuous moments together and apart, Kal as ever battling with a darker past and darker secrets while Aurora comes to grips with her newfound powers.

 We are introduced to a new and deadly character in the form of a drop-dead gorgeous and drop-you-dead deadly Syldrathi Templar. She was a delightful addition to our cast. 

 This book keeps with the same fact pacing and action packed-ness as its prequel but does include some calmer more reflective chapters that i found thoroughly enjoyable to read.
 The stakes are higher and the action scenes grander and more sweeping as they play out across entire solar systems and planets alike.

Revelations and reckonings abound as Squad 312 face off against the galaxy's s biggest threats with the odds stacked toweringly against them in this thrilling romp that takes our squad from the farthest star to the skies above our very own earth. 
The Testament of Loki by Joanne M. Harris

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A heart-string jerking, tears-of-laughter inducing, gut-punchingly real, navigation of what would happen if four ancient beings, two chaos born, two Aesir ended up in the 21st century.

What would happen if...the world ended…

But like the tides, worlds rise and fall.
And Loki has, after an unconfirmed amount of time spent in the prison of the Netherworlds in Dream, has stumbled into a world you and i will recognise very well.

Jumps, aka gaming master, is our main girl.
Loki, aka, realising he hates yogurt, is our main guy.
Evan, aka, Jumps’s best friend and owner of cute dog,
Odin, aka still plotting, still scheming, Allfather, is back, back again.
Thor, aka, gets mad, punches things, is also still here...and unimpressed.

We follow Loki as he comes to literal grips with things like, t-shirt’s with cute cats on them and mean girls. And so much more.
We follow Jumps as she grows from a girl in baggy hoodies who’s terrified of being herself to someone who...isn’t.
In all honesty i can’t say much about this book without giving parts away that a better left to be discovered as you read.
The plot twists and turns and chugs along, the world is realistic and familiar and the character's brilliantly fleshed out and real.
There was some representation i did not expect yet couldn’t be more pleased with.
Mild trigger warnings in the forms of - self harm and eating disorders, both handled excellently by Harris.

Overall, this book can work as a standalone if needs must but i do recommend reading The Gospel of Loki first.
I was so sad when i finished The Testament of Loki for so many reasons but also very pleased with how the ending was wrapped up.