dreamsoftomes's reviews
208 reviews

Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote

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did not care at all for the other short stories, holly's character  jumps out of the page, it is rare and refreshing to experience it. 
The Lost Summers of Newport by Lauren Willig, Karen White, Beatriz Williams

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The modern timeline felt stereotypical at times, plain and underwhelming most times. Andie was an interesting character, but her habitual antagonistic reactions to Luke felt naive, and almost unbelievable that someone would keep on repeating that same behaviour over and over again, you’d expect some growth on that front (like maybe not insulting him at every minor inconvenience)
but no it just stops once they get together…
Hadley's entire character was just every stereotype of a rich white woman added up, devoid of any nuance. Her dialogue was on the nose and uninteresting, like yes we get it rich woman bad and mean…she provided some form of antagonism to Andie for about 2 seconds before completely disappearing, so I wonder what was the point to her presence (I suspect there is none beyond uplifting Andie as being a good and sane person). The olden days timelines are much more refreshing and interesting, I really enjoyed them.
Ellen and the prince's romance was really well set up I really enjoyed their dynamic and I loved that despite their obvious class distinctions, they were treated as equals. Their dialogue was really refreshing and felt realistic..
Overall good could have been great.   3/5