dumb_library's reviews
228 reviews

What Lies Between Us by John Marrs

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4.5**** Another banger from John Marrs!!! He has quickly become one of my favorite thriller authors and this new book did not disappoint. Though I did dock 0.5 of a star, I only did because I found myself longing for his sci-fi/black mirror stories that I absolutely adored in The Passengers and The One. This is a psychological domestic thriller, which I normally don’t reach for. I thought the writing lived up to everything I was hoping for. I flew through this book and stayed up until 3 AM just to finish it! I was able to predict a lot of the twists and turns, but I don’t count that as a bad thing necessarily. I cannot wait to keep reading more of the books on his roster.
Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin

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LOVE LOVE LOVED this!!! I’m not usually a fantasy person, but this was so fun. I loved the romance, I loved the magic system, the characters, the world, everything. I cannot wait for the next installment.
Gyo by Junji Ito

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GROSS!!!!! I loved it
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

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4.5-5* AHHHHHH I loved this so much!! I don't have a specific reason as to why it didn't hit a confident 5 star mark for me, but I just felt like it was missing a little touch of SOMETHING. I always know right away when I'm giving a book 5 stars and I didn't have that instant feeling, so 4.5...VERY close to 5 for me. This was so stinkin' cute and the steam was.......jhsdijdgijgsdjdsgj. Red is eeeeeeverything. Chloe was such a great character and although I can't speak for the chronic pain representation and how well that was done, it was nice to read about something so important and often overlooked. I can't wait to read Dani & Eve's stories and literally anything else Talia writes.
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell

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This was such a difficult but important read. I cared more for the chapters when Vanessa was older and seeing the effects of her abuse in her life rather than reading about her abuse in graphic detail. Though I know it's still important to see the progression of their "relationship" and see exactly how things like this transpire, I (along with many others who have reviewed this book) feel like the rape scenes were either a bit too graphic in detail or there were simply too many of them throughout. Either way though, I enjoyed the writing style and the way the story was told through dual timelines. I will definitely be picking up anything Kate Elizabeth Russel writes in the future.
The Arrangement by Kiersten Modglin

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Okay so I was about 30-40% into this book and prematurely decided it was going to be a 2-3 star book because I thought it was getting repetitive at times, but once things start getting revealed, the story definitely picks up. Most of the twists did catch me by surprise, but others were pretty predictable only because I’ve read a lotttt of domestic thrillers and there’s only so much one can twist in a story. Overall, this was a really great thriller.
Skim by Mariko Tamaki

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I really enjoyed this!! It was a nice little slice of life graphic novel that was very honest about the inner thoughts of a teen in high school. Definite trigger warnings for depression and suicide. There was only one element of the book I didn’t like, but if I said it, it would be a spoiler. It just rubbed me the wrong way and idk why it needed to be included. Either way though, I loved the “dear Diary” format and illustrations. Overall a great graphic novel to pick up.