edriessen's reviews
253 reviews

Start-Up Nation: The Story of Israel's Economic Miracle by Saul Singer, Dan Senor

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Great book. Easy read. And very interesting to read about a totally different side of Isreal that I only know from mainly negative news stories. Awesome and inspiring to know how their crazy entrepreneurial culture came to be.
Alcatraz-1259 by William G. Baker

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Very interesting life. I've read it just after visiting Alcatraz, which I think improves the reading experience :)
Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes by Thomas Cathcart, Daniel Klein

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Lovely read and truly funny jokes. The only thing left to do is to take the exam :)
A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson

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Wonderous. How often things are discovered but accepted only decades later. And not credited to the first discoverer.
Lab Girl by Hope Jahren

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It made me realise I have a new favorite genre: scientist (auto)biographies. Truly a good read.
The Art of War by Sun Tzu

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A great book of ancient wisdom. Requires flexibility of the reader's mind to apply to modern business and leadership. I loved doing just that.
The Swerve: How the World Became Modern by Stephen Greenblatt

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What an interesting story on the power of booka. On the nature if things has sparked my interest. I will read it one day.
The Penguin Lessons by Tom Michell

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It's books like this that make me wonder: how many amazing stories are out there? It feels like an honor to be part of the journey of Tom and his penguin by reading this story. And to end with a personal note: I have never been this close to tears by a book as I was with this one.