eduardoandgo's reviews
395 reviews

The Friend by Sigrid Nunez

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Didn't really vibe with this book. I liked the prose, very matter-of-factly, I was interested in the topics explored: grief, friendship, healing, and love. Just didn't really grab my attention the way I hope it had (or rather how I hope any book grab me). I was interested by the protagonist.
China Rich Girlfriend by Kevin Kwan

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I enjoyed this. I liked revisiting the characters that I love, there was a hole in my heart by the lack of Eleanor in this but I get why she's not present. Loved the addition of Kitty to the main cast so we could get the perspective of someone actively trying to enter the society of the rich (kind of a foil to Rachel). The story itself was still just as entertaining, the third part really opens up with a switch in tone but then reverts.
Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher

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Absolutely love when the author of an autobiography/memoir does the audiobook, feels like I'm having a mi with carrie fisher, just spilling the tea (both complementary and derogatory). I get that this is an adaptation of her one-woman show but I don't care for the formatting of a stand-up act. 
Rental Person Who Does Nothing: A Memoir by Shoji Morimoto

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The idea of a rental person who does nothing is really interesting. I'd never heard of this person before nor the service they provided via twitter. I thought the stories were interesting, eventually they did feel a little repetitive (but by nature of the job that's being written about I think). 
The Memory Police by Yōko Ogawa

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Yoko Ogawa's done it again. Absolutely smashing novel. Really like the characters. The novel the protagonist was writing was just as interesting as the rest of the book and the way it weaves with the outer world story. Loved the relationship between the old man and the protagonist. The style really kept me interested. There's a part of me that wishes what was going on was explained but in no way does not knowing that impact my enjoyment. 
Luster by Raven Leilani

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I liked this more than I expected. I thought I would enjoy this but before the halfway mark, my faith was waivering; I didn't know how much more of the main character's attitude I could take. Once her situation switches up, I become more interested in the new relationships brought up by this change and in how she would deal with this (if she would do anything). A lot of what happens to everyone in this is because they are so passive, just letting things happen, watching. I liked that dynamic; waiting to see if anyone would reach their boiling point and do something about it. 
Dracula by Bram Stoker

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This was really good. I really liked all the main characters, the plot never really faltered for me. Big fan of Mina's. The last bit did feel quick; the pacing was quite different at this point from the rest of the novel. 
A Lonely Broadcast: Book One by Kel Byron

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All around, I was not a huge fan of this book. There are three main characters, whose perspectives we switch between throughout the novel. They felt very similiar, all three of them HAVE the crack a joke any time things get a little serious or emotional. One of those characters is fine but all of them is too much; we never get a serious exchange and I was over it by the halfway mark. There is no character growth for anyone either, they are quite static. I think the concept was interesting and even the execution was good at times but overall it fell flat for me. 
A Light Most Hateful by Hailey Piper

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Really cool concept! I did not like the writing style, there's was just something about it that would not let me latch onto the story. Liked some of the characters. I think I would read another Hailey Piper novel, see if it was just this one that didn't work for me.
Tehanu by Ursula K. Le Guin

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This is definitely my favorite of the series. Fantastic story, loved Tenar, loved Therru, I even loved Ged in this one. Feel very strongly about this installment.