I liked the first book well enough, but I found this one to be rather confusing. I felt like the journey that the characters went on was rather pointless - and I know there is a third book, but I would have liked there to have been a stronger resolution to this one. The first book really left you asking questions and wanting more, but I am not feeling that same energy after finishing this one. Not sure if I will read the third.
This was a pretty hokey “alien learns about humans” story that follows all the predictable tropes. It was an easy read and I found it funny at times, but overall I don’t think it had much “new” to say and especially near the end I was kind of over the whole “aren’t humans so fascinatingly strange!!”
I really enjoyed this, though of course not without some minor nit-picks... Since it was an audiobook I was really able to fly through it, I was hooked pretty immediately and honestly, I found the "extraneous" plot points, (basically anything outside of Oswald and Kennedy,) to be the most interesting and engaging elements of the story. The premise of the Kennedy Assassination brought me in, but the story of Jake Epping / George Amberson was quite beautiful and rich. Of course, it falls into the classic time-travel story morality shtick of "changing the past is bad" regardless of how good intentions may be, but although I knew where the story would end overall, I never found myself being bored with the journey. This was my first King novel and I am glad to have read it. Horror is not my genre, and the graphic depictions of violence did at times make me extremely queasy and unnerved, so I am uncertain if I will read much more of his catalogue, though I do feel the urge to do so. I will have to put my big girl pants on and be brave.
this was very beautiful and well written. i disagree with the sentiment that it was overwritten - i personally really loved my time with this book and didn’t find myself wanting for things to be cut or shortened.
i will say that the medical descriptions were not my favourite element of the book, and i did catch myself skimming some sections mainly due to finding them a bit unnerving. but not something that made me dislike the book overall.
a classic for a reason! I have been putting off reading this for several years now, mainly due to the length feeling daunting. listening to the audio book definitely helped with tackling the text and while it started out slow I was able to follow the story well and I enjoyed the narration a lot. my only nit pick would that the voices were not standard, sometimes the main narrator would voice Paul, and sometimes he was his own actor, and I couldn’t really follow as to why it changed throughout the book. I usually prefer sticking to one narrator but with so many characters to switch to it’s an understandable choice to have different voices. Jessica was my favourite character, OG girlboss baddie
Unfortunately I found this to be pretty mid. I finished it mainly due to being very behind on my reading goal for the year, and I really enjoyed the Silo Trilogy. Howey is a great author and I enjoy his style but I thought the story was pretty basic here and I wasn’t really sucked in by the plot or setting.
Out of Ng’s books that I’ve read this is my least favourite and I can’t put my finger on why. Very well written and I enjoyed the exploration of grief and family trauma but man it was just such a bummer book. I am not anti sad books about sad topics but I just don’t feel like there was enough levity to balance with the heavy subject matter. The ending wasn’t very satisfying and left me asking for more resolution.
Nice quick read to hopefully get me out of my current slump (i am well over a dozen books behind on my goal for the year) I enjoyed this a ton and even got a little emotional at the end. Well written and lots of twists and turns, though it definitely borders on over the top at times. I liked the characters well enough and I felt like they were well written and believable. I don’t really agree with the “thriller” categorization, but was certainly intriguing and suspenseful at times.