ek_reads's reviews
656 reviews

Deja Brew by Celestine Martin

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 21%.
There’s a lot of backstory I’m missing here, and I’m not invested enough to keep reading to figure it out. 
The Dead Guy Next Door: A Riley Thorn Novel by Lucy Score

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Psychic disaster heroine, investigator disaster hero. Adventures and chaos in equal measure, and every second was delightful!
A Nordic King by Karina Halle

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 15%.
I hate it when the characters have no friends. None? Not a single friend? 
Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh

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Very cool world building! Loved the character development, the slow burn romance....perfection.
Remedial Rocket Science by Susannah Nix

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Cute story. It took a long time to warm up to the MMC, which worked in the end but meant it was slow going.