This book was so close to becoming a 4 star rating for me!
But unfortunately as soon as Addie was saved it went downhill for me. I found that the recovery was rushed just to get to the sex, the sex was definitely not my cup of tea and Addie was just annoying more often than not especially when she started the whole revenge thing, I thought it was cool at first but it got old pretty quickly due to her team-ups feeling more like a scooby doo get together than an actual serious situation and when Sibby was involved I just couldn't read the book as seriously as it was set. The book also felt like it had dragged the ending out too much and there was still too many questions and not enough answers.
Despite all the books shortcomings I did still enjoy it, but only for part 1. Part 2 felt like a whole different category and I didn't enjoy most of it, I kind of felt how I did when I read the first book and I wasn't a fan of that either.
Yunjae represents the autism side of myself, especially when I was in secondary school, his thoughts and actions almost felt like I was reading a diary from both of our perspectives as they were so similar.
Gon represents everything I wish I could express. Because of my autism or I guess my own lack of social interaction, when I feel something I wish I could express it better and when I was in secondary school there were definitely times I had become Gon, and for that I found myself tearing up more for him and just wanting to give him a hug.
In the authors note Won Pyung Sohn says that both these boys felt like her children, whereas they felt like they were parts of me and for that I will always have a special place for this book.
There's no way I can move onto another Elsie Silver book, I will be sitting on this book for a while!
Yet, I feel like we missed out on so much yet got so much in such a well written book. I don't know what it was but I felt like I understood the characters yet I didn't really get to know them outside of their love for one another.
To say this was my first cowboy book I can't say for definite if this was an amazing cowboy romance or an okay cowboy romance.
I'll just have to read the rest of Elsie Silver's books to find out!
I bought this book last year in order to get a free cinnamon bun. Would I say it was worth it? Yes. Is the book amazing? No. I'd say the book is okay, I had a problem with the age gap with the MMC being younger than the FMC by five years and it didn't really change the entire book. I felt it too strange, maybe it's because I'm nearly thirty and couldn't picture myself with someone that much younger than me. I loved that the MMC was a total sweet loser for the FMC before she was crazy for him, I go crazy for that trope. But I found the plot boring and very predictable at times and definitely was on the verge of making it a dnf book, so I will probably not read this book again and if I do it will be far into the future before I touch it again. This was also my first book of the series so I was a little confused by some characters and their connection to our MCs, but it all worked out in the end I guess.
It's feeling very close to the end of the story -- also, my fascination with the hidden quirk grows more and more than with anything else at this point!!
Obviously I'm hyped/worried about the big Todoroki fight that's been left on a cliffhanger too!
I don't know if it's my expectations or if it's the volume itself but I felt like this volume lacked its usual flare I've come to love.
It doesn't mean that it's still not good! I just found it a bit different to read than the previous volumes, it's hard to explain!
I still enjoyed the book and as I've said before many times the relationship between Itsuomi and Yuki is so incredibly healthy even if it seems like they may not be together for long, it's definitely the best thing in the volume.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
It's been a while since I read this series so I had to re-read this volume to remember what had happened and oh my days I forgot how cute this book series is!!
It's definitely got that warm romance vibe to it and I think I've mentioned before in a previous review but the relationship between Itsuomi and Yuki is beyond healthy, it's such a nice change from the typical romance genre where there's a lot of cat and mouse and disagreements - with them it's a sense of calm and growth of them both together and through their characters.
The other characters are just as great, even if I disagree with some of the things said and done by Emma and Shin.
The romance as a whole felt like it was lacking something but I'm not sure what.
Madelyn frustrated me to no end, not only did I keep thinking that she needed a friend the entire time but when I thought another character was going to be her friend they either wanted to trade her or kidnap her to hold over Slade, by the time I was halfway through the book it felt like every other chapter was repetitive and had the same trope.
I also felt as if, since this is my first Olivia Riley book, that there were references to other planets and species that I was not able to comprehend completely because they were in previous alien species/planets books the author has either written or is going to write about.
this book was hard to read, I find that you need to be in a similar state of mind to the characters to read this book, since I was not I found it very hard to pick up the book and read it.
it's not because it's not good but maybe because I am a sister as well, I found this book too realistic for my taste, too close to home.
all of the characters were very well thought out and it was clear that they weren't just carbon copies of one another and that they all had their own personalities, which I highly enjoyed even if I didn't exactly like some of the characters (Avery & Lucky).
overall I would recommend this book but I don't think I would re-read this one, but I would never say never!
This is my first Rina Kent book to have read and I plan on reading the rest of the Legacy of God's series.
For both the first book of hers I've read and the first book in the series, it wasn't too bad! Obviously there are flaws in the book that had me rethinking my choices, especially in the early chapters (iykyk) but overall I thought that the plot would be more dark - it's more centered around the trope of a dark romance than the whole book being a dark themed - so I was a little disappointed that the book didn't take it a little further.
Unfortunately I just couldn't get myself to like the FL Glyndon King, I think maybe I've read too many romances or the character was just generic, I can't make up my mind on which one it is - she's just too predictable with her character to literally nearly everything she says in every chapter, I mean even the love interest Killian calls her a broken record multiple times.
Not sure if I'll come back to this novel soon, but I'm hoping the second book in the series will be a little better!