elenafrancesca's reviews
93 reviews

Assassination Classroom, Vol. 01: Time for Assassination by YĆ«sei Matsui

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 13%.
Borrowed it from the library - it looked cute but I just didn't have time for it this go around. Would love to pick up again in the future :) 
The Long Walk by Stephen King, Richard Bachman

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This was disappointing if I am totally honest. I loved the concept and King managed to keep the story going at a good pace (no pun intended) despite the fact they were literally just walking. My main issue was that the boys all kinda melded together, there wasn't enough variety in the cast of characters. And the main characters motivations and inner struggles were very muddled and a bit confusing. 

Not a bad book just not as good as I was expecting. Also, what the fuck was up with the watermelon guy??
Skeleton Crew by Stephen King

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As with all short story collections, not every story is gonna be a winner but this one comes close. I think the only story I didn't enjoy was "Mrs. Todd's Shortcut" I found that one tedious but the rest were enthralling, page turning and totally make you forget you're even reading. 
Penpal by Dathan Auerbach

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Tears were cried. 
This book is phenomenal. A disturbing story that pushed the boundary in a way that leaves you heartbroken. Something so innocent as a balloon with a letter turns into a decades long nightmare. 
The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay

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I'll have to sit with this one for a bit. I liked the premise, I liked the characters (although I did find Sabrina and Adrienne kinda hard to distinguish, I felt like they could have been more fleshed out) and, for the most part, I liked the execution. 

This feels more like a novella than a full length book and I feel like maybe if it were more punchy then I would have liked it more. It's well written, it's a very interesting premise just maybe not as fully realized as I would have liked. 
Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes

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I enjoyed this read for the most part. It was very well constructed and plotted out. Some of the writing was a bit millennial if you catch my drift "she wasn't like other girls" and so on and so forth. But for the most part a very digestible and easy way to take in Greek myth.  
The Little Friend by Donna Tartt

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The good: Donna Tartt is an incredible writer, there's no dispute there. This book has her signature wit and style. 

The Bad: This story dragged and when you finally get to the conclusion after slogging through the rest of the book it is extremely unsatisfying. Nothing gets answered. 
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater

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This series just gets better with each book. I love the twists and turns and I am so invested in the mystery. Each book has more revelations that make the story all the more exciting. 

I cannot recommend this series enough!
The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas

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I heard so many bad things about this book, and I am not sure what I missed but this is not nearly as bad as everyone is saying. Sure, it's a silly-goofy romance with some out of pocket lines (the milking one comes to mind...) but overall it's a perfectly passable and even enjoyable romance. 
An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

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An amazing book, can't wait to read the second one. The characters and story are phenomenal. I'd give this 1000 stars if that was possible.