elicenange's reviews
14 reviews

Order vs. Chaos by Mary E. Thompson

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This one was a fast read, with a fantastic storyline. I love a good opposites attract story, and Order vs Chaos delivers on that for me.

I first found Mary E. Thompson through her Big & Beautiful series (which I am slowly but surely making my way through). I haven't read a book of hers that I didn't love. Looking forward to more!
His Curvy Friend by Mary E. Thompson

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Another fantastic read for me, from this author. Ian is just a sweetheart. Seriously, I can't say enough good things about him. But Blake, on the other hand...boy, did I want to shake some sense into her. She wasted a long, long time with that a**hole fiance of hers. Excuse me, ex-fiance. But I get it. It's not exactly easy because she didn't have the best role model herself!

I first found Mary E. Thompson through her Big & Beautiful series (which I am slowly but surely making my way through). I haven't read a book of hers that I didn't love. Looking forward to more!
Miss You: A Short Summer Romance by Rebecca Andrew

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The world was her oyster. But all she wanted was to see him. Dominic.

This was a short, quick, and fun read with a HEA. Although, I did spend most of the book fighting the urge to smack some sense into both Emily and Dominic. The real MVP here is Brad, using the good ol’ jealousy act to get these two to stop put-zing around their feelings. And I thoroughly enjoyed the ending...

We’re both idiots.
As you said before, we were both idiots.
Not anymore.
Never again.

Miss You (A Short Summer Romance) by [a:Rebecca Andrew|14413033|Rebecca Andrew|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1588090912p2/14413033.jpg]
Beautiful Sinner: A Dark Mafia Romance by Piper Stone

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This one was a bit of a tough read for me. I am a sucker for a good age-gap story (even though 5 years isn’t much of an age gap). I also loved, LOVED, their chemistry. Physical chemistry, to be specific.

What bothered me most, was the power imbalance in their relationship. I also couldn’t buy into the authenticity of their feelings and their love for each other (because of the above point), and that’s what made this a bit of a tough read for me, from start to finish. I should add though, that this is a personal preference for me.

The trigger warnings didn’t bother me, but I was grateful for them. That being said, this wasn’t the first Piper Stone book for me; and it won’t be the last. I also don’t say this very often, but who knows - the likelihood of my re-reading this book is high.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and I am voluntarily sharing my thoughts and opinions.