elle_lit_zabeth's reviews
585 reviews

My Brother's Teammates by Lasairona McMaster, Melissa Ivers

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I'm not going to lie, I like my why-choose romances T H I C K. I usually prefer books under 400 pages, but when it comes to not just one, but FIVE love stories in one book, I appreciate when it is quite thick so that you get to know each character and have time to appreciate each of their relationships and then see THE why-choose relationship form.
So it was with some hesitation that I began this novel, and I'm delighted to say today that I was wrong to be afraid.
I was immersed in the universe from the 1st chapter. Charlotte is extremely endearing (in spite of or thanks to her clumsiness?) and the bonds she forms with the 3 ice hockey players make perfect sense at a time in her life when she's hitting rock bottom.
Charlotte is desperately searching for herself, in love, sexually, professionally, even physically. And see how Roman (strong, silent Roman), Mateo (spontaneous, exuberant) and Jace (her childhood crush, lifelong enemy and her brother's best friend) will help her in this quest for herself, while leaving her free to do most of the work for herself was amazing.
Honestly, these 4 characters are top tier, and even the secondary ones (her brother and her best friend wink to a future book) were interesting.
I had a great time and went through all the emotions. The spice is great and the fact that Roman and Mateo also find each other was the delicious icing on the cake.
Where the Light No Longer Follows by Wendy Heiss

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🇫🇷Cette histoire m’a laissĂ©e bouche bĂ©e. Je sais que je suis quelqu’un d’assez sensible, mais l’histoire de Silene & Gabriel m’a profondĂ©ment Ă©mue. J’ai pleurĂ© pendant les 40 derniers % de ma lecture. VoilĂ  une nouvelle qui m’a retournĂ©e et dont je me souviendrai encore longtemps. Si vous cherchez une lecture qui vous suspendra hors du temps, et qui explore les mystères de la mortalitĂ©, le pouvoir de la dĂ©couverte de soi et l'attrait de la fantaisie, et de la mythologie alors voilĂ  un choix parfait. 

🇺🇸This story left me speechless. I know I'm a pretty sensitive person, but Silene & Gabriel's story moved me deeply. I cried for the last 40% of my reading. This is a story that turned me upside down and that I'll remember for a long time to come. If you're looking for a read that will suspend you out of time, and explore the mysteries of mortality, the power of self-discovery and the allure of fantasy, and mythology then this is a perfect choice.
ACOMAF Part 1: The House of Beasts (Rhys POV) by illyriantremors

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When Lies Unfold by R.C. Boldt

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❤️/5🌶️4/5 🌻13/20📚115/240

I’ve been obsessed with R.C Boldt’s work since I read An Armored Heart and spent an entire year promising myself that I’d read more of her books. It’s now a promise kept thanks to Valentine PR and the author with this ARC (but yeah, I still need to read more of her books!).
And just like I did with An Armored Heart, I fell for this book. HARD.

Let me tell you that I’m not a huge mafia romance girl but boy, did this book change my mind.

What you’ll find: perfect writing. Amazing character development. Hot as sin tension. A true enemies-to-lovers story. Danger all around. The vibes in this book are immaculate. We are in Costa Rica. We’re lost in the jungle. We’re afraid of the monsters lurking in the shadows. 

I felt so deeply for the characters! Lola is a hell of a woman. Strong. Brave. Smart. So resilient and resourceful. I absolutely loved her.
Somehow, even though they’re drastically different, she and Santiago fit so perfectly. They’re opposites and complementary in every way. They’re the missing pieces of each other and the very meaning of the word fate (that last flashback broke me!).

I won’t even talk about the spice because I melted at every turn with these two. Some of the things that man says, PHEW.

I also loved little Alma so, so much. She’s a breath of fresh air and won me over immediately, just like the other side characters did. The way they all form this family and make sense together made me swoon.

I absolutely loved this book! A masterpiece of the genre.
The Perfect Fit by Sadie Kincaid

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🇺🇸A very good start. Very appealing characters who immediately make you want to know more, to read more. The audiobook is absolutely brilliant and gives an almost real dimension to the characters. I really liked the relationships between the various characters. The fact that the three men in this why-choose are life-and-death friends and lovers even before Lily meets them is a real plus. The spicy scenes involving them are incredible, so much so that including Lily in their trio almost felt like too much at times.
Unfortunately, what was well on the way to being a 5-star read fell apart in the last 10% with a pseudo-Mafia plot twist that (in my opinion) came out of nowhere and added nothing to the story. I really didn't understand the author's choice to base three quarters of the story on the characters, their relationships, their inhibitions and their sexuality, only to do a 180° turn and end the novel on that.
A shame, but a very good read all in all.
🇫🇷Un très bon début. Des personnages très attirants qui donnent immédiatement envie d’en savoir plus, d’en lire plus. Le livre audio est absolument génial et donne une dimension presque réelle aux personnages. J’ai beaucoup aimé les relations entre les différents personnages. Le fait que les trois hommes de ce why-choose soient amis et amants à la vie à la mort avant même que Lily les rencontre est vraiment un plus. Les scène spicy les concernant sont incroyables, si bien qu’inclure Lily dans leur trio m’a presque semblé de trop par moment.
Malheureusement, ce qui était bien parti pour être un roman 5 étoiles s’est écroulé dans les 10 derniers % par ce plot-twist pseudo mafieux qui (à mon avis) sort de nulle part et n’apporte rien à l’histoire. Je n’ai vraiment pas compris le choix de l’auteur qui a basé les trois quarts de son histoire sur les personnages, leur relations, leur inhibitions et leur sexualité, pour ensuite faire un virage à 180 et terminer le roman là-dessus.
Dommage, mais malgré tout un très bon moment de lecture dans l’ensemble.