ellelikeslit's reviews
300 reviews

The Rabbit Hutch by Tess Gunty

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What. The. Fuck. 

I do want to be friends with Blondine though.
House of Glass by Sarah Pekkanen

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I only finished this book because it was for a book club. So many random details and late additions to the plot that have zero relevance to the overall story. Who cares about her ex-mother-in-law’s homemade ziti?? The audiobook narration made the inner thoughts sound so campy and dramatic and everything was over-explained. Also, the random queer baiting thrown in at the end?? The main character sounded so whiny the way she equated her childhood trauma to Rose’s, thank god she went back to therapy at the end, she really needed it. Very juvenile writing for an already published author. 
The Last Book Party by Karen Dukess

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Would be 5 but the plot fell off at the end and it seemed like they just wanted to wrap everything up quickly.
Sam by Allegra Goodman

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 I read this after reading Adelaide and it is a similar vibe, really enjoyed and related to Sam.