ellemackenzie's reviews
25 reviews

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

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first classic ever read. definitely found it very challenging - perhaps warrants a reread at some point in the future.
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo

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The first two-thirds of this were very slow for me and I don't know why - this book is all my favourite characters from the Shadow and Bone trilogy so I should've loved it but I don't know, it just felt boring to me. And don't get me wrong I love Nina more than anything but I don't know what the point of her storyline was, it felt so separate from the main plot (although I'm sure it becomes more connected in Rule of Wolves). Negatively aside though, I LOVED the last third of this book. The whole section with Nikolai and Zoya in the Underworld was amazing i loved it so much. and the twist of Brum still being alive????? oooo my girl better get him fr in the next book, I CAN'T STAND that man. The last section really saved the book for me!
Minor Detail by Adania Shibli, عدنية شبلي

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not the most well-written of books - but i think we all have a duty to read Palestinian stories and voices, now more than ever.
The Ghost Theatre by Mat Osman

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really cool premise, loved the new world and lore. personally could really tell this was written by a man - the emotion and consequence of what was happening really fell flat for me.
shay endured a lot of traumatic stuff and she didn't even seem bothered??? betrayed by the person she loves(?),  essentially sold into slavery, her dad dies, devana dies - and i would've been a lot more invested if i felt the emotional weight of these things but i just didn't