ellianamaselli's reviews
204 reviews

The Coronation Ball by Melanie Cellier

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Gosh, that was cute. That may have been my favorite installment of the series so far. Mostly because none of these books have actually made me that mad before. But man. Brianna’s a serious [use your imagination and insert colorful word of your choice here].

Also, I really, really liked Hanna as a protagonist. And I wish I could have gotten more from her. Because she was just so sweet. And right from the beginning, I wanted everything to go right for her. Then Brianna stepped in. That [insert same word as before].

So, yeah. I’d give it 4 stars. Cuz it was cute. And I was happy by the end of it. Yay.

—Elliana Maselli
Friday, 24th of July, 2020