ellosippo's reviews
344 reviews

Cursed Bread by Sophie Mackintosh

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Read in one sitting. Crazy. I’ll be thinking about this for a long time. 
Salt: A World History by Mark Kurlansky

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I thought it was really good, but it troubled me greatly that one of the “fun facts” in this book can’t be varied elsewhere. To me this calls into question the entire work. There’s a passage about the origin of the seven seas that is nowhere else to be found on the internet but is nonetheless stated as fact. 
Tastes Like War by Grace M. Cho

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The history of the Korean War is fucked up. 
We Have Always Been Here by Samra Habib

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I thought it was okay - not sure why I didn’t connect more. 
Anatomical Venus by Courtney Bates-Hardy

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This is really beautiful. I had no idea I could connect to poetry like I did to this book. Hearing her speak at the book launch was also so lovely and gave great context for the poems.