ellytheskelly's reviews
153 reviews

Tegan and Sara: Junior High by Tegan Quin, Sara Quin

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This was an ARC from Netgalley. 

I liked the themes of sisterhood and navigating life as a young adult, but for some reason it didn’t really fully click with me. I really liked the “twinspace” where they were color coded and had discussions (and sometimes arguments) between each other. It wasn’t for me, but I think that others would definitely like it a lot! 
Camp Prodigy by Caroline Palmer

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This book was an ARC from Netgalley.

I really loved this book! It’s a very sweet story about the difference between passionately studying something and overdoing it, and about gender identity and coming out as non-binary. As an enby (ex?) viola player I really connected with it and appreciated it! 
It's Lonely At The Centre Of The Earth by Zoe Thorogood

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This book was an ARC from Netgalley 

I really like the mixed medium style of this graphic novel! It feels really all over the place and takes getting used to, but I think it’s worth it.
I Felt Myself Slipping by Ray Nadine

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This book was an ARC from Netgalley.

I really liked this story! I enjoyed seeing representation of characters using ASL to communicate, and I also really loved the setting (Midwest babes ❤️) it’s a good story about anxiety and friendship with the backdrop of competing in gymnastics. 
Amy's Big Brother by BonHyung Jeong

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This book was an ARC from Netgalley. 

A really cute and sweet story about a first love! It is a sequel to Kyle’s Little Sister,  but I have not read that before, and this story still made sense, so it is not required. I loved the style this was drawn in, and all of the interactions were very cute and relatable! A good read for middle grade/YA readers. 
Piece by Piece: The Story of Nisrin's Hijab by Priya Huq

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“If I can’t be safe, then can’t I at least be proud?”
Heart and Seoul by Jen Frederick

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Korea is all of these people just as I am not one thing or the other. I am complicated and contradictory and I don't know how all of it can coexist, but it has to because these versions are all me.
I can't speak on the struggles of an adopted child. I've heard that part of this story is accurate, and I'll take that.

However, when reality (people being rude to adoptees) is so outlandish, WHY make your plot so contrived and crazy that it makes it feel like the very real struggles are also made up and contrived??? 

The main character, Hara, is irritating. She repeats herself constantly and asks questions with obvious answers like "how did you know I was American?" (BESTIE, you're speaking ENGLISH and you do a blank stare when they speak Korean to you. YOU LOOK AMERICAN.) She asks this question and gets the exact same response, verbatim, twice in this book. Also the trope of "oh a cute local will just teach me the language 3 days into my trip abroad teehee" trope bothers me a LOT. Like please just take some time to learn some basic words and phrases. Write them down! Why did she wait until day 3 to download a translation app????

And now it's time for SPOILERS.
SHE HAD SEX WITH HER STEPBROTHER.... TWICE????? AT LEAST ONE OF THEM KNOWINGLY????? AND THEN THEY HAD THE AUDACITY TO JOKE ABOUT HOW "it could be worse, we could be actually related" I LITERALLY DRY HEAVED.... Yujun was the FIRST FREAKIN MAN you encountered you can move on!!! YOU MET HIM LIKE 7 DAYS AGO YOU CAN MOVE ON!!! Bro literally what happened to her whole no strings attached vacation boyfriend thing?
Spy x Family, Vol. 7 by Tatsuya Endo

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Includes missions 38 to 44. 

The highlight for me was seeing Anya and Becky play with their sheep keychains like barbies
Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism by Amanda Montell

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Cultish is about the way that language defines groups (or cults, if you will), from the devious to the mundane. 

This took me a looooong time to read because it is so dense with information and sometimes felt like it was circling around the same ideas for a while, but all of it was fascinating to me. I am a total language nerd, so this was right up my alley. 

I read all of the book, but I listened to the audiobook for Part 5. This makes a great car listen imo. 

My favorite part was Part 4, Wanna be a #BossBabe?
I wish that Part 6 talked more about celebrities. In the early sections of the book, it was hinted that we would hear about pop culture icons and I felt like I didn't really get that.