em_jay's reviews
483 reviews

A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers

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4.5 stars - started this during the summer and put it down, just finished it and loved the characters, story, writing. A very endearing message.

10/15/22 - The second time around with the audiobook - enjoyed it even more this time around.
The Visitor by Sergio Gomez

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A short fun holiday themed scifi horror novella jam packed with excitement, thrills, and mystery.
The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy

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Completely loved the AUDIOBOOK. The characters, the science, the philosophical musings, the questions I had, and the answers slowly revealed.

I think if I read the physical book, it may have been more difficult to process all the goings on and well as McCarthy’s punctuation preferences, or lack thereof, and may have led to a DNF!