em_jay's reviews
715 reviews

Yellowface by R.F. Kuang

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Was. It sure what to expect, but I really enjoyed this. The ending caught me off guard and at times so wasn’t certain who I should be rooting for - which actually made it that much more compelling to read. Recommended!
Tangled Threat by Heather Graham

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A bit underwhelmed for my first Harlequin. Enjoyed the mystery, the unexpected haunted story and cult making an appearance. For a romance, it’s wasn’t very much and quite predictable. Didn’t love it, didn’t hate it.
Open Throat by Henry Hoke

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What a fun and unique perspective. Really enjoyed this fresh take.
Rattus New Yorkus by Hunter Shea

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The first two thirds were much more enjoyable and had better storytelling than the last third. Of couse the pace picked up, but something was lacking. Recommended for a fun read.
Bloodsport by Ray Obstfeld, Don Pendleton

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My first men’s adventure book for GarbAugust 2.0 - there definitely is a formula followed. Enjoyed the action and severity of the last few chapters. Written in the 1980’s, it reflects that time. Although, I really don’t understand the subtle but frequent “fat shaming” snide remarks made in the early chapters. Recommended for fans of the series or for anyone wanting to sample the genre.
Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews

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Shockwaves in the 1970´s. Underwhelmed in 2023.