emeraldreviews's reviews
130 reviews

Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher

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This could be one of the best fantasy stories of revenge that I have ever read. A spellbinding addition to the fantasy genre, cementing T. Kingfisher as a master of the field.

The story of Marra and he fight for vengeance is one of mystery and magic but above all else, sisterhood. Piecing together a rag tag band of heroes is just the begininning and throughout the journey Marra is confronted by impossible tasks, grotesque monstrosities and a demon chicken. Yup… there is a chicken in this story who is possessed by a demon.

The story itself is captivating. The pacing is absolutely perfect and allows the reader to really get to know Marra, the Gravewitch and the rest of the ensemble. Each character enters the story with such dedication and focus that you instantly connect with them. Too many times have I been reading and some characters have been on the periphery and never truly engaged with the story. That isn’t the case with Nettle And Bone!

My favourite parts of this particular novel were the social and sometimes comedic interactions between the entire group of characters! Each had stand out moments in the story each encapsulating the perfect main character of Marra.

I really didn’t want this to end and would love a follow up in the future. If an engaging, well structured story with superb characterisation wasn’t enough, the cover art of the book is stunning, I don’t think I have ever seen a book so beautiful. The sizing of the hardback is spot on also which most definitely means you should have Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher on your bookshelf.
Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher

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This could be one of the best fantasy stories of revenge that I have ever read. A spellbinding addition to the fantasy genre, cementing T. Kingfisher as a master of the field.

The story of Marra and he fight for vengeance is one of mystery and magic but above all else, sisterhood. Piecing together a rag tag band of heroes is just the begininning and throughout the journey Marra is confronted by impossible tasks, grotesque monstrosities and a demon chicken. Yup… there is a chicken in this story who is possessed by a demon.

The story itself is captivating. The pacing is absolutely perfect and allows the reader to really get to know Marra, the Gravewitch and the rest of the ensemble. Each character enters the story with such dedication and focus that you instantly connect with them. Too many times have I been reading and some characters have been on the periphery and never truly engaged with the story. That isn’t the case with Nettle And Bone!

My favourite parts of this particular novel were the social and sometimes comedic interactions between the entire group of characters! Each had stand out moments in the story each encapsulating the perfect main character of Marra.

I really didn’t want this to end and would love a follow up in the future. If an engaging, well structured story with superb characterisation wasn’t enough, the cover art of the book is stunning, I don’t think I have ever seen a book so beautiful. The sizing of the hardback is spot on also which most definitely means you should have Nettle and Bone by T. Kingfisher on your bookshelf.
The Hive by Bibiana Krall

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Enter a dystopian world of corporational oppression and rebellion!

Bibiana Krall is a wonderful new author that I discovered through Twitter. I asked about short stories that people knew of and along with her recommendations, Bibiana also mentioned that she had written one (The Hive) and was soon to release another (Mint) so I have to check them out. Wow, I am so glad I did!

So far I have read The Hive and I quite simply adored it. Packed full of everything you want from a fantasy story but embedded within is real world problems and potential futures if changes aren’t made.

The story centres on what seems to be a cult but is actually a corporation that is feeding off of basic human needs under the false pretence of ‘giving you a better life’… when in actual fact, you are required to give up your freedom to supply ‘The Hive’ with workers and ultimately put money and power in the pockets of the rulers… sorry I mean company bosses!

Our main character is designated Melissa #21 and throughout the story, pushes the boundaries of her control as she begins to awaken from the hive mind… I won’t go too much into detail as being a short story, I could quite easily enter into the realm of spoilers and I don’t want to do that. I want you to experience the journey alongside Bibiana, Melissa #21 and me!

A thought provoking, dystopian short story about control, corporate greed and rising up… The Hive will have you gripped from the first page and calling for more at the end. Don’t sleep on this, conform to my way of thinking and read The Hive… oops sorry… I was entering the hive mind then…I’m back…I think…
Witch 13 by Patrick R. Delaney

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A nightmare inducing book sent to us from the darkest corners of the world.

Witch 13 is a truly scary journey brought to us through the eyes of multiple characters in multiple degrees of peril! Patrick Delaney has a real eye for horror and Witch 13 definitely should be considered one of the great witch orientated stories! It’s certainly the best I’ve read!

The story takes place in a typical quaint town where nothing too intense happens, so much so that the police department can have a full blown Christmas party during the night when you would think the criminals come out to play. Only one call comes in and that would prove to be one that might just end the town. For good.

Sheriff Sterling Marsh is a thought provoking, deep character. She has a past that we come to inherit whilst reading. It's almost like you become one with her mind as you read. Patrick Delaney’s ability to develop characters is extraordinary. Each one is developed in such a way that they all have distinct personalities and history. This results in a connection with each one.

Moving onto the Witch. The Witch is a haunting presence throughout the story. A beautiful, haunting presence. We are led to believe, through Sterling, that the witch does not embody the stereotypical, wart nosed, wrinkled skin, rotten teeth description of a witch but that of a porcelain skinned beauty. The Witch’s mysterious and ominous presence maintains a steady suspense throughout the story which had me anxious, just waiting for that explosion of power!

A suspenseful ride in an idyllic town wrapped in a cloak of horror and immense power that will keep you under it’s spell until the very last pages! This is one for horror fans and I immediately ordered the physical version for my shelf! Thank you Patrick for allowing me to read this absolutely brilliant story.
Ragged by Christopher Irvin

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Wind in the willows meets the godfather!

Ragged is a different kind of story for me. I normally like my fantasy stories to be based around humanoid type characters/races with fantastical counterparts. This, however, converted me! Christopher Irvin has created a beautiful forest world in this story full of a vast array of animal characters.

The foundation of the story is based around a forest dwelling town of sentient animals who are so much like humans but encompassing their individual animal based characteristics. Each of the animal groups in the story has unique personalities which provides a wealth of intrigue around so many different characters. There is so much to learn about each of them and this just maintains the beauty of this character driven novel. As with all ‘civilised’ societies, there is unfortunately prejudice involved. Each animal group tends to make sly digs at the others and ultimately creates masses of friction between them at times. There is also a faction/gang that live on the outskirts of the village that prey on the supply caravans and those that stray too far from town which brings in the godfather, gang warfare aspect of the story. Needless to say the townsfolk have their own opinions of these ragged villains!

The family values of this novel are beautifully portrayed. Based around a father whose wife disappeared and subsequently died, looking after his pups whilst investigating her disappearance and also trying to hold his standing in a town who are suspicious of his past. I felt such a connection to Cal as a husband and father of two, I couldn't begin to imagine how I would cope in his shoes…or should I say fur!

Ultimately Ragged is a superb novel which had me hooked from the very beginning. The heartfelt family values along with standing up for what is right and bringing society together made this story one that creates such positive feelings about life. Regardless of your background or genetic make up, everyone has the ability to do right in this world, to be anything. Embrace who you are. We are all special.
Wayward by Hannah Mathewson

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Wayward is a magical journey in a unique and mystical world.

Hannah Mathewson has developed a huge, detailed version of London full of distinct characters, races and environments. This London felt to me like a steampunk world of magic and relationships teetering on the edge of a knife.

Hannah has a very clever way with words and fantastic expressive prowess wrapped in an imaginative, explanatory mind. The world building in Wayward is phenomenal, each aspect of the story is described in the utmost detail allowing the reader to form a clear and personal picture of the environment the characters are living in.

The characters themselves are very deep, fulsome in their personalities. From the adolescent innocence and bravery of Cassia to the arrogant, cockiness of Ollivan. Hannah makes sure that each of her subjects are given ample focus in order to support the terrific story being formulated.

Wayward takes you on a other-worldly ride through mystic London. Fans of the latter Harry Potter books (the darker ones) will surely enjoy this book but if that doesn’t describe you, you should also find a place within this story. Hannah’s skills as an author ensure an enjoyable ride.