emiliedeeann's reviews
92 reviews

Replay by Ken Grimwood

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My all time favorite book. It’s repetitive, and I skipped some portions through his drug years, but this is a book for everyone. You realize throughout the book that YOU are Jeff. It’s eye opening, and a book necessary for everyone to read at least once. For me, I aim to read it yearly.
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

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I couldn’t get through the first few pages. I respect it tho... sleep found its way to me before the story could even try.
The Wicked King by Holly Black

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Still not the style of writing I’m typically drawn to... but the plot twists, characters, character growth... !!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern

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Okay. I went back and forth with wanting to give this book a rating of a 1 or a 5. Here’s why I’m so torn:

-This book is wonderfully written. There are a few fun anecdotes and times I laughed out loud. Some of the descriptions were quite unique. The writing honestly deserves a 5 star rating. That being said, it was a fairly superficial read. I’m a crier and I was just annoyed reading this. (I literally cried over an episode of How I Met Your Mother today, and I hate that show. But I couldn’t cry over this book because it was just so surface level). I never got to see the deep, nitty gritty aspects of Holly and Gerry’s love; aside from the first chapter.
-This book was a drag to get through. I found myself wondering, so many times, “Why is this important?” I just couldn’t seem to connect with it at all. It was way way way too long! Ahhhh I became so bored throughout it and it took me like 2 weeks to get through! Every time I double checked how many pages it was my heart sank. (I’m so mean. I’m sorry!).
-I realized I’m not a huge non-fiction fan anymore; so this totally could be a me thing. If you’re a non-fiction fan, you’ll likely adore this book.
-Why tf did everyone in Holly’s life, aside from her family, treat her like a terrible person for mourning the love of her life? If my husband died, I’d lock myself away from everyone and put a big sign on my door casting people out. And I’m an extrovert who can’t stand being alone!! I was shocked at how annoying all of Holly’s friends were! Aside again from her family (especially her brother, Richard, what a sweetheart), and her friend Sharon... WOW. Everyone in her life s u c k e d. She had every right to be selfish and ignore her friends whose lives were moving on without her. She could regret and makeup later. Sharon’s husband, Johns idiot little speech about “Jerry was my best friend and I knew him longer than you and we had secrets too, but you don’t see me moping around!” made me physically angry. A significant other dying, especially a spouse, is far different homie. And holly let him off the hook so easily and told him he was right. Like WHAT??? John, you stupid little man. What if Sharon died? Thought so. Go away and leave Holly alone.
-The main difference, in my opinion, between the film and this novel is that the movie highlights Gerry a lot. It’s very Gerry filled. The book is all about Holly. You barely get to know Gerry. In fact, if you hadn’t seen the movie first, Gerry is a nobody character without a personality. And his notes are crappy. I expected to read at least one long, sappy love letter.
-“PS I Love You” the movie is literally one of my favorite films. I could watch it every day and never get bored of it. But I promise I went into this without bias! I’d done my research, knowing full well that these two stories are very different from each other, so I didn’t go into reading this expecting it to be anything like the movie. But, most people who loved the movie and then read the book also loved the book just as much. I am not one of those people. Several characters were just too similar to me and molded together. I’m so upset that I didn’t love this! The movie and its cast and music and story are just so charming... I just didn’t connect with this book. I don’t think I would have finished reading it had I not seen the movie first. I wanted to put it down so many times.

That’s it. That’s my vent. I think it’s pretty fair though, because as I said; if you enjoy this genre, you’ll likely enjoy this book. Beautiful writing, and Holly is a cute and quirky character. Other than that, I’m just glad to be moving on to my next book.
Speaking in Tungs by Karla M. Jay

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My favorite part of this book was watching Marleigh (the leading lady) grow in a very slow, steady and real way. At first I was like “good gosh woman. Get it together and be nice!” (Even though her pride was somewhat relatable) and toward the end, I realized I love her! Her main love interest does NOT deserve her. I actually loved how real all of the characters are. They kind of all remind you of somewhat you might know already. It’s a quick read because of the underlying mystery as well as your desire to see Marleigh learn and grow. The climax was very good. VERY good. Karla Jay knows her craft, as this was carefully put together with great characters and building tension.
The Peacegiver: How Christ Offers to Heal Our Hearts and Homes by James L. Ferrell

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The story used to push the wisdom along is annoying to me, and the ending it’s ambiguous which I do not like. The reviews about how it can feel like a drag to get through and the reporting gets old are all true. However, the message and insight makes it worth the read and 5 stars. This is a story you’ll likely carry with you forever. This book reminds you to self reflect. My husband and I promised each other we’d read it every year, as it completely alters the way you view your relationships (all relationships. Not just romantic ones). Although Christianity and I have a tumultuous history, the biblical stories and the message this book reminds us concerning our Savior is necessary for all Christians to become truly Christ like. This is a book you can easily finish in one day. Have a pen handy when you set aside the time to do so.
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

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When I spend hours reading a book, I expect a few things for my time:

1. Something new and worthwhile to think about
2. Something that’s pretty to get through
3. Something with an ending that doesn’t make me feel like I wasted my time

This book exceeded my expectations for all three. It’s a love story, a mystery, poetry, and commentary on what it feels like being a dreamer... and so much more. It’s dark enough to hit the depths of your heart, light enough to pull you back up again. It’s a book I feel I can safely recommend to anyone.

It was worth my time, and will continue to be worth my time as I think on it more and consider retreading in the future.
The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

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Very sad, very eye opening. Lots of TW’s.