emmazucati's reviews
316 reviews

A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

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This book is good. Just so good. Every chapter is an alternate perspective and it's the best thing in the world. The back of the book has a family tree type thing and it doesn't spoil anything in the book. I didn't realize that until I had finished the book but I promise, it won't ruin anything. I wouldn't recommend this book for the faint of heart but it's not the most gruesome thing I've ever read.
The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger

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This book is not very good. Everyone talks about it so I figured it wouldn't be too bad but it is. It was predictable and boring and i wanted to yell at the characters but not in an affectionate or even "we've all been there" kind of way. I just wanted to tell them to shut up. Everything was just so drawn out. If you're interested in fashion it might be something fun to read but if I have to spend 75% of the time cringing, the book is not for me.
Sweet Misfortune by Kevin Alan Milne

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I got this book from a Goodreads Giveaway whihc was pretty cool but honestly, it just didn't do it for me. As someone who lives 30 minutes from Seattle, the research was inaccurate. There were a lot of stereotypes and assumptions put upon dear old Seattle. And as much as I loved the supporting characters, the two main characters were over the top. You can only say "I am a pessimist who thinks life sucks" in so many ways so many times. I don't want to spoil anything, so I won't, but the ending was predictable and awful.I knew it was going to happen but throughout the entire book, I pleaded for mercy. I was not saved.
How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff

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It was odd. The girl who narrated was just weird. The whole book just kind of made me feel uncomfortable. And the writing style was not too great either. The setting description was nonexistent and the explanations of what was going on didn't make any sense at all which led to a lot of confusion. I would not suggest this book for anyone. At all.
The List by Siobhan Vivian

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It was a really good book and not too confusing. There was one story line that kind of left me cringing every time but overall, it's worth it.
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

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I read an abridged version for class but the thing with this book is that I actually read the book. I didn't skip a chapter and go on sparknotes. I really liked this book.
It's difficult to read old books sometimes because of how angry I get at the society but I think reading old books is one of the best ways to really know what life was like. And for that, I loved this book.