eralbesu's reviews
418 reviews

Gifted by Suzumi Suzuki

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reflective tense medium-paced


This story was interesting in its depiction of a woman caring for her mother in her last days. Their relationship was complex and I need to think about this one for a bit. 
The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 13%.
Reading too many books and this one wasn’t holding my attention. 
Universality by Natasha Brown

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Not exactly sure how to review this book. I know that parts of it felt too close for comfort. I picked up on certain themes but I’m not entirely sure what the book as a whole was trying to say. 
Pachinko by Min Jin Lee

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emotional reflective sad slow-paced


This was very touching. So sad and at times shocking. As with any family saga I made it all the way to the end before I had a solid grasp on all the side characters. But I enjoyed this read. And learning about the history of the Korean people in Japan and during WWII beyond was so intriguing. 
Happy by Celina Baljeet Basra

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 51%.
I struggled to fully connect with this one. But I did try. 
Bad Girls by Camila Sosa Villada

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challenging dark reflective medium-paced


This was a touching and heartbreaking story. 
Good Material by Dolly Alderton

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emotional funny reflective medium-paced


Dolly sure knows how to write a book. 

This was funny and relatable and tender. I really enjoyed this. Jen’s section at the end delivered on what I had been waiting for and expecting throughout the book. It really tied the story together, even though Andy’s journey was enjoyable to read on its own. 
Vanishing World by Sayaka Murata

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adventurous lighthearted medium-paced


This was a typical Sayaka Murata book. Interesting and uncomfortable, while somehow managing to feel cozy. 

The writing style was what we’ve come to expect of Murata, as well as themes that are provocative, bordering inflammatory. Murata always takes it just a little too far and that usually works for me. Here, I was kind of indifferent. 

But overall I enjoyed the story enough to keep reading. However, this is not my favorite Murata novel. 

Thank you to Grove Atlantic for the e-arc.
Everything's Fine by Cecilia Rabess

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emotional tense medium-paced


I was absolutely locked in with this book. I really enjoyed it until the end. Omg the ending turned my stomach. I had such a visceral reaction to it. I didn’t think I’d finish it because it was all just way too close to home. No doubt my reaction is due to the current state of things in this country. 

Like, I am still trying to recover from the reaction I had to the end of that book. I have more I want to say but I need to calm down lol
The Love Lyric by Kristina Forest

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hopeful lighthearted medium-paced


This story was sweet. Possibly my least favorite of the 3 but not bad at all. I really didn’t care for the narration of the audiobook though.