erasera's reviews
53 reviews

Lover Revealed by J.R. Ward

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I was actually quite disappointed with this book. I would give it two stars, but I like Butch too much to rate it that low.

So, like everyone else that read the series from the beginning, I liked the budding Butch/Marissa pairing that was touched on in the first three books. It had nice potential. However, when it came time for them to have the spotlight in Lover Revealed, I feel like I was it wasn't handled very well.

I did not like Marissa in the 4th book. For about 300 pages, I just wanted her to... disappear, honestly. I get that she wasn't very versed in sexuality and the way the world really works outside of the aristocracy, but she was fine to me in the other books. In fact, I was dying for her to get with Butch because I knew he was going to be good for her. It was just everything that lead up to them finally getting together and Butch finding out he had vampire blood in him that got on my nerves. The other pairings in the other books had their misunderstandings that would leave them separated and arguing for a few chapters, but half the issues between Butch and Marissa made me roll my eyes.

I'll give it 3 stars because Ward did redeem Marissa for me a little bit because the innocent little vampire put on her big-girl shoes and is now running a business for a good cause. I just hated that her self-esteem was so ruined for the worst reasons. It almost didn't make sense.

I don't know if anyone else thinks this, but do any of you feel like V and Butch have a stronger relationship than Butch and Marissa? The way the scenes with the two guys are written just feels much more intimate to me than anything I've read with him and Marissa. I kind of wish Butch and V had been Ward's exceptional male pairing - they definitely need to have mad monkey sex! It's well overdue. :)