erica_kennedy_horror's reviews
79 reviews

Clown in a Cornfield by Adam Cesare

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Amazing book. I love a slasher film and this was right up there. The characters were great. Loved the main ones. It was a fun ride and I'm excited to read the 2nd one.
Tender Is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica

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This book was very disturbing. It was an interesting concept but my rating is due to the ending. It felt as though the author just gave up. They set up so much more that could have been written about and then just stopped.

Also how he killed Jasmine. It seemed like he had a character arc and then just went backward. It leaves you with wondering was he just pretending the whole time? Was this his plan all along once she got pregnant? Lots of unanswered questions.
Run on Red by Noelle W. Ihli

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Very good book. I loved the 2 main girls. It had a few twists and turns. And a great ending!