ermohai14's reviews
244 reviews

Night Road by Kristin Hannah

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Wowzer - I didn't expect to cry so much with this one. If you don't like a tear-jerker, then don't pick this up. The story is heartbreaking, yet wonderfully told. I really felt for the characters and pulled for everyone in the end (even the "bad guy" - it was hard not to, the character was so pure). This was my first Kristin Hannah penned novel. I will defiantly be back for more!
Eligible by Curtis Sittenfeld

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This was so funny. I recently read Austen's Pride and Prejudice, which I also enjoyed. The thing about reading the old classics (is that redundant?) is that I sometimes have an issue gleaning all the character points due to dated references. Sittenfeld's modern retelling of an Austen classic was not only entertaining, but allowed me to better understand some of the characters. I'm not sure if hardcore Austen fans would be offended by the retelling, but seeing as I just read Austen for the first time there was no offense taken by me.
The One-in-a-Million Boy by Monica Wood

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Oh my! I need to stop reading books that make me cry. But I just LOVED this story. I read this for a book club and I can honestly tell you - I would not have picked it up otherwise. But don't let that scare you off. Just find The One in a Million Boy at your local library or bookseller and read read read! The characters are real, their lives are real, their heartache is real. Monica Wood is an incredible writer and I can't wait to read her other titles.
Home Front by Kristin Hannah

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I'm obsessed with Kristin Hannah! But be prepared for a cryfest with this one. Lots of themes in this selection: military, marriage, parenting, sacrifice, love, friendship... the list goes on!
Keep Me Posted by Lisa Beazley

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I'm a total sucker for books written mainly in correspondence. This is a great story about two sisters hoping to reconnect through written letters (read snail mail). Through various turns of events, these letters get released publicly. I loved reading about how the sisters dealt with life and public scrutiny.
Philia by Christie Gibson

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Marching band and sorority life? What more can a girl ask for!? Oh - and this book was written by one of my AOII sisters. Y'all need to check it out!
Rich and Pretty by Rumaan Alam

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So this book really shows you adulting. It ain't pretty and sometimes friendship is hard. But welcome to real life :)
Map of Fates by Maggie Hall

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This is the second book in The Conspiracy of Us series. If you haven't picked up the first book yet - get on it! I loved getting a deeper dive into the characters, especially Stellan! And as I said with the first book, if you like the DaVinci Code or National Treasure, this YA book is for you :)
Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker by Jennifer Chiaverini

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I really LOVE historical fiction :) I feel like I can really get into the story knowing that the basic structure of the plot truly happened. I enjoyed reading a fictionalized version of the Lincoln administration from the family side :) Chiaverini's characterization of Elizabeth was wonderful to read.
The Hopefuls by Jennifer Close

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What a quick read! This was a honest look at marriage, friends, politics, and life. I'm just finding Jennifer Close, so I can't wait to read more by her :)