ermohai14's reviews
244 reviews

Summer Boys by Hailey Abbott

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This book never went anywhere. YAWN.
The Gin Lovers by Jamie Brenner

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I really enjoyed the plot lines that intertwined with each other. The last installment of Gin Lovers was a fast pasted read! I loved the ending that leaves you wondering...
Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

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So touching. I really felt like I knew Eleanor and Park, that they were real people. Rowell wrote the characters so well. But what is up with all these endings that leave you wondering? BAH! It makes my mind race.
Allegiant by Veronica Roth

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I HATED the ending. In addition, this installment of the Divergent series was just too much too fast. Way too many plot twists in one book. I think she was trying too hard to wrap it up in 3 books but had like 7 too many ideas for the series. This is where the use of a better editor would have helped.
The Marriage Pact by M.J. Pullen

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Really great chicklit. I enjoyed that I wasn't able to figure out the ending from the start (which I find is something I commonly can do with chicklit). I'm glad that this is part of series. I'm going to me starting the second book soon!
Regrets Only by M.J. Pullen

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Started off a little slow. But it is possible I felt that way because I was still hooked on Marci's story. Suzanne's story really developed after about 75 pages and then I was hooked. Watch out for a few tears near the end if you are a sap like me. :)
The One by Kiera Cass

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I enjoyed the conclusion of this series. I liked that America stayed true to herself through the MANY opportunities not to. I think it is a great lesson for all.
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

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Sooo... yep I cried at the end. This novel is full of relatable characters and a thought provoking plot. I would really recommend it to others!