esquiredtoread's reviews
1842 reviews

Egzamin by Julio Cortázar

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I really do not think this is my kind of book. Nevertheless, Argentina book around the world done
Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi

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Very, very, good important novel. Spans a long amount of time and different POVs in various locations. I actually wish it was LONGER so we could get more time to really see how events of the past is effecting society both in US and Ghana. The end was powerful as were many parts of this.
The Enigma of Arrival: A Novel in Five Sections by V.S. Naipaul

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I’m just not one of literary novels, I think. But I try haha. I keep trying.

Trinidad book around the world.

I’m going to power through and try to get as many of my Book around the World challenge as I can these 2 months as I can.
Rewind by Catherine Ryan Howard

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Not bad, but definitely not the best thriller I ever read.

Ultimately I think the time jumps happened a bit too frequently and it took away from feeling connections to the characters. Just as I was beginning to care, we switched POV. I liked the overall idea for the plot but this book could've actually benefited from being a bit longer.
Never Have I Ever by Joshilyn Jackson

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This was VERY good. I’m very glad this is my first book of the year. It’s dark, but it’s very well done. Would definitely recommend.
The Magpies by Mark Edwards

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I unfortunately did not love this one. I kept comparing it to the other book I read of his, and it even ended similarly and this one was just...not as good. Very slow. No twists. I would've DNF but I spent my digital credits on this and wanted to finish it off.
Before She Knew Him by Peter Swanson

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Finished this one and did not see the twist coming. Had to really dig deep and go back to see all the steps leading to it. Definitely some hints, I just didn't catch them. This felt very slow paced but overall I enjoyed it. I think I'm getting to know Peter Swanson as a writer and I can't wait to delver into more of his.
Before She Dies by Mary Burton

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Definitely more "suspense" than any romance but this was good. Also did not like the detailed gore--thought that was unnecessary but overall this was very very good and kept me interested.