euripus's reviews
613 reviews

The Art of Destiny by Wesley Chu

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I would like to thank the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I don’t know why I procrastinated reading this book for so long. I read this book in 5 days. With my thesis deadline approaching?? I think I was just intimidated by its size. 

I flew through this book though. The first 40% took me a bit longer and I needed some warming up, but the last 60%?? Phenomenal. 

Although it had been over a year since I read the first book, Chu manages to subtly put in references to The Art of Prophecy that it was easy to remember what happened at the end of the first installment, without it feeling like you were being read out a summary. I feel like part of the reason I was scared to start this chonker was because I felt like so much happened at the end of Prophecy, I just wasn’t sure what… Safe to say that was no issue. 

I love Chu’s writing style and story. His writing is so easy to get through, and even though there’s so many story lines going on at once, it’s very easy to distinguish whose story you’re following every chapter, and that without having to put that in the chapter heading. 

The last 60% were so good, but that last 15-20% specifically?? I just flew through that. I wanted to continue every moment that I could read, I just needed to know what happened next. 

The characters are also all so fleshed out, and even the ones you don’t agree with you live along with and feel pity for in moments needed. 

I am very excited for the next installment in this series and hope future me won’t procrastinate the third book as much as I did this one.